Antec lancerer P9 Window

Kabinetter d.  03. maj. 2016, skrevet af neemos 6 Kommentarer.  Vist: 2019 gange.

Antec lancerer P9 Window

Vi har modtaget en pressemeddelelse fra Antec om deres nye kabinet, Antec P9 Window. Kabinettet har fokus på et stilrent design, støj reduktion og mulighed for massiv køling. 

Her er hvad Antec har skrevet til os:

Antec, Inc., California-based manufacturer of high-performance computer cases, power supplies and mobile accessories, announced today the availability of the P9 Window, the latest addition to Antec's award-winning Performance series. The enclosure is now commercially available at a price of 98 euros (MSRP including VAT).  The P9 Window is a fusion of stylish design and a sophisticated cooling system. Like all models in the series, the P9 Window is specially equipped to dampen system noise to the point where the computer is almost inaudible even when the fans spin at a higher speed. 


Rotterdam, the Netherlands, April 2015 – The P9 Window excels in combining a sleek, modern design with noise dampening features for silent computing and provides maximum performance and functionality for gamers when pushing the system to the limits. It is perfect for users of silent computing looking for the bare essentials. However, this chassis is also easily capable of supporting high-end hardware for gaming systems. As part of the Performance Series, the P9 Window brings the same level of performance as its predecessors at an affordable price while offering a wide variety of high-end features. 


Extensive cooling capabilities

The extensive cooling capabilities of the P9 exceed other chassis currently available on the market at this price range. Included inside is a three-part removable top fan cover, stopping noise from leaking out. Internally, modular HDD cages can be repositioned or removed to create more space along with built-in water reservoir and pump

mounts, fully capable of supporting any system configurations. This allows you to freely choose your hardware without limits, period. Take full control of your system with the P9 from the Performance Series.


About Antec, Inc.
For 30 years, Antec, Inc. has been the global leader in high-performance computer components and accessories for the gaming, PC upgrade and Do-It-Yourself markets, being the pioneer and market leader for quiet, efficient and innovative products such as the P280 and SOLO II enclosures as well as for their award-winning PSUs having the lowest returns in the industry. Antec continues to further the industry with performance-rich enclosures, efficient power supplies, reliable cooling components, the cutting-edge Antec Advance accessories line, and the Antec Mobile Products (AMP). Founded in 1986, Antec is headquartered in Fremont, California, with additional offices in Netherlands, Germany, China and Taiwan. 

Kilde: pressemeddelelse





03-05-2016 22:28:10
Gad vide om det er et Big tower og hvad prisen for sådan et bliver.

Senior Skribent
03-05-2016 23:12:44

04-05-2016 01:23:27
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slog lige mit review op hold kaeft jeg har haft samme kabinet i 8 aar nu 😲

Svaret blev redigeret 2 gange, sidst af Sven Bent d. 04-05-2016 01:27:38.

04-05-2016 07:49:49
Prisen forventes at blive 98_ hvordan det så ser ud med danske skatter og told, det må tiden vise.

04-05-2016 07:58:07
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20-05-2016 12:44:50
Webhallen har det listet til 719kr, dog er det endnu ikke på lager.