Test af AsRock Socket 754/939 bundkort

Diverse d.  14. september. 2004, skrevet af KIJ 1 Kommentarer.  Vist: 358 gange.

OCWorkbench har testet AsRock K8Upgrade-760GX, et socket 754 bundkort, som har mulighed for en senere opgradering til socket 939, ved hjælp af et indstikskort. Bundkortet er baseret på SiS 760GX chipset.

We saw the K8 Combo-Z board last week. This week, we take a look at another board by ASrock that offers upgradeability from Socket 754 to Socket 939. This new board is based on the SiS 760GX chipset which offers integrated Mirage2 Graphics with DirectX8.1 support, AGP8X. It also has a AGP slot for higher end AGP cards.

The interesting fact about this board is that you can upgrade to the Socket 939 by inserting a ASrock 939CPU Board to the yellow slot of the mainboard when CPU prices drop. In our case, we run it with the FX-53 processor without any issues at all.

The board supports all the necessary expansion capabilities and they include SerialATA 1.5Gb/s, RAID 0,1,JBOD, SATA_HDD Hotplug,USB2.0, 5.1channel Audio, 10/100 Ethernet LAN. The board also supports multiplier control, Vcore adjustments, FSB up to 300MHz FSB.

Læs testen her: http://www.ocworkbench.com/2004/asrock/k8upgrade-760gx/g1.htm
14-09-2004 16:09:06
Tjaa... Det ser da ikke så tosset ud. Lidt mærkeligt at de kun tester det med en socket 754-CPU og ikke også lige prøver med en 939'er, eftersom det jo er det "specielle" ved kortet. Men det ligner dog desværre heller ikke noget godt OC-kort.