MSI lancerer A-XMP til Ryzen

Bundkort, AMD d.  21. marts. 2017, skrevet af KleitusIV 2 Kommentarer.  Vist: 9513 gange.

MSI annoncerer A-XMP og nye bundkort

MSI har netop annonceret A-XMP - en ny ram profil på deres AM4 bundkort. Ved at anvende A-XMP gøres det endnu lettere for brugerne at sætte timings og ram hastighed til optimale indstillinger og få den bedste ydelse og stabilitet.

A-XMP skulle give support for ram kits med højere DDR4 hastigheder, og bliver rullet ud i en BIOS opdatering snarest til alle AM4 bundkort.

Samtidig har MSI valgt at annoncere en række nye AM4 bundkort med både X370 og B350 chipset i GAMING og PRO serierne. Beskrivelse af bundkortene findes nedenfor på engelsk:

Inheriting the well-known KRAIT GAMING black and white DNA, the new X370 KRAIT GAMING comes with an even stronger emphasis on design. STEEL ARMOR PCI-E slots with Hydro Dip Paint coating, perfectly match the unique black & white motherboard design. To top things off, KRAIT comes with matching black & white heatsinks and a GAMING IO cover all dressed in black. Besides its design, to satisfy gamers’ needs, the X370 KRAIT GAMING motherboard is built using MSI’s latest technologies with best performance and latest features. VR Boost provides the best VR gameplay experience with lower latency and reduces the possibility of motion sickness. More performance-oriented gaming features KRAIT has to offer are: Lightning USB 3.1 Gen2, Turbo M.2, Audio Boost, GAMING LAN and DDR4 Boost.

Ready to game in style, the X370 GAMING PRO offers gamers a great selection of game enhancing features. Audio Boost and GAMING LAN are ready to give you the best audio and network performance when gaming. Turbo M.2 and M.2 Shield ensure the fastest SSD speeds. Besides a great selection of features, the X370 GAMING PRO inherits its design from the 200 series GAMING motherboards, meaning the new X370 GAMING PRO motherboard also features heavy plated heatsinks and a GAMING IO cover.


Available in Full-size ATX and Micro ATX, meet the first AM4 based ARCTIC white GAMING motherboards, the B350 TOMAHAWK & B350M MORTAR ARCTIC. Adding to the Arsenal GAMING Series line-up, the second generation of ARCTIC models not only inherited the spirit of the unique ARCTIC design, it also adopted a plethora of features from the other MSI AM4 based GAMING motherboards for an improved gaming experience. Enjoy the best low latency online gaming experience with MSI GAMING LAN offering, while benefiting from enhanced, studio grade sound with Audio Boost. Featuring heavy plated heat sinks, fully styled to match perfectly the ARCTIC look and feel, the new ARCTIC motherboards are ready to conquer the battlefield.

When looking for a more affordable true GAMING motherboard, the B350M BAZOOKA has plenty to offer for a reasonable price. Based on the iF DESIGN AWARD 2017 winning design, the B350M BAZOOKA motherboards’ design perfectly illustrates the evolution of this new generation MSI motherboards. Inspired by the concept of main battle tanks, the design, from its heavy plated heatsinks to the military-themed PCB print, displays strength and sophistication. The B350M BAZOOKA is built to last and makes sure a gaming system performs perfectly for long gaming sessions with top performance. With a long list of great specifications and gaming features, such as Turbo M.2, GAMING LAN and Audio Boost, the B350M BAZOOKA offers a solid gaming platform for you to dominate the battlefield without breaking the bank.

Combining quality you can rely on with top performance and clever business solutions are key aspects of the MSI PRO SERIES motherboards. Engineered to gratify even the most demanding professional, these motherboards will fit in any PC. Making your life easier and supporting your business with super stable, reliable and long-lasting top performance.

Designed for enthusiasts and professionals who demand a top-level solution, strength, endurance and top performance are the characteristics of SLI PLUS. Based on a full black color scheme, with sharp silver highlights, the X370 SLI PLUS enters the next generation PRO Series design concept. Exclusive Lightning USB 3.1 Gen2 extends data transfer bandwidth options to provide the best USB 3.1 performance. STEEL ARMOR M.2 helps stabilize fast SSD data signals for the best performance and STEEL ARMOR slots prevents PCI-E slots damage from heavy graphics cards. Each feature on SLI PLUS has been designed and tested to achieve the highest quality standards and are geared for longevity and best performance. More performance related features the new X370 SLI PLUS has to offer are DDR4 Boost, Turbo M.2, Audio Boost, X-Boost, Network Manager and more.

This motherboard is designed for those looking for an office or business solution. Throughout the years, PC MATE has always been a favorable choice for system builders as well because it is designed with quality, performance and convenience in mind. B350 PC MATE offers plenty of storage and audio features, but also clever tools for easy assembly and troubleshooting such as DDR4 Boost, Steel Armor and EZ Debug LED. Inspired by the design concept of SLI PLUS, PC MATE has never looked better and more feature rich. Choose stability, choose performance, make the right choice for your business with PC MATE.


Kilde: Guru3D, Overclock3D

28-03-2017 22:18:40
Jeg har et X370 GAMING PRO bundkort og R7 1700 og 3200 MHz Corsair Lpx. I dag kom der en ny bios så nu kan jeg køre 2933 MHz på ram og Kører 3500 MHz Oc på cpu via Auto har sat volt til 1,35 det Amd og de test jeg har set siger. Cpu er kølig og jeg skal dog Oc den mere kører på den køler som følger med. Har en Coolermaster 612 ver2. men mangler Am4 braket som ikke er udkommet endnu.

Det ser dog ikke ud til at det Msi kalder A-XMP er med i denne bios . Det er den 3 bios på ca 3 uger .

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Janbau d. 28-03-2017 22:21:27.

03-04-2017 18:39:55
Alt den snak der har været om Ryzen og dens manglende ydelse i spil. Nu her ca 1 måned efter intro er der sket fremgang på punkter, listen er ved at blive lang. Tænk på det er en helt ny cpu som aldrig er set før.

Jeg skulle lige se nogle nyheder på youtube ang. Ryzen ydelse i spil i visse spil Søndag aften 2/4/17
Jeg så lige kort 2 videoer hvor der var nogle som havde prøvet de senneste bios update hvor især Msi og Asrock bundkort fik en forøget Fps på hele 20 fps.

Jeg var lige inde på Msi Hjemmeside og se efter og rigtig nok er der kommet en ny bios til X370 XPOWER GAMING TITANIUM som hedder 1,3 på mit X370 GAMING PRO CARBON kører jeg på ver 1,2 som kom for ca 4 dage siden den fik mine ram til at køre 2933 MHz så nu kan jeg næsten ikke vente på ver 1,3 på mit board.

Her er et par YouTube Videoer om emnet 🙂


Salazar Studio

Svaret blev redigeret 3 gange, sidst af Janbau d. 03-04-2017 18:52:24.