Nyhed: ASUS ROG Strix og TUF Gaming AMD Radeon RX 6800

Grafikkort, AMD/ATI d.  30. oktober. 2020, skrevet af cmnielsen 16 Kommentarer.  Vist: 2181 gange.

ASUS annoncerede for nyligt en ny serie af ROG Strix og TUF Gaming AMD Radeon 6000-serie grafikkort. Den nye AMD Radeon RX 6000-serie og den underliggende RDNA 2 GPU-spilarkitektur indvarsler en ny æra af Radeon-grafikkraft. For at få mest muligt ud af disse spændende nye GPU'er har ASUS-ingeniører arbejdet hårdt på at udvikle ROG Strix og TUF Gaming-grafikkort, der leverer den høje ydelse, lave temperaturer og stille drift, som entusiaster forventer.

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ASUS Announces ROG Strix and TUF Gaming AMD Radeon RX 6800 Series Graphics Cards
Customized ASUS designs built to unleash the full performance of the AMD RDNA 2 gaming architecture

  • ROG Strix LC Radeon™ RX 6800 XT features integrated AIO liquid-cooling solution to deliver low temperatures in a wide range of chassis
  •  ROG Strix Radeon™ RX 6800 is armed with a large heatsink and three Axial-tech fans for low temperatures and operating noise
  • TUF Gaming 6800-series graphics cards feature trickle-down tech from the venerable ROG Strix series

ASUS today announced a new lineup of ROG Strix and TUF Gaming AMD® Radeon™ 6000 Series graphics cards. The new AMD Radeon RX 6000 Series and the underlying RDNA™ 2 GPU gaming architecture herald a new era of Radeon graphics power. To get the most out of these exciting new GPUs, ASUS engineers have been hard at work developing ROG Strix and TUF Gaming graphics cards that deliver the high performance, low temperatures and quiet operation that enthusiasts expect.

The ROG Strix LC Radeon RX 6800 XT puts a big chill on Big Navi
The Radeon RX 6800 XT is one of the most powerful GPUs that AMD has ever built. As ASUS engineers began to sketch out the ROG Strix card, the raw power of the Radeon RX 6800 XT spurred design of a cooling system that could unleash its full potential. During this process, the ASUS team naturally turned to liquid cooling. PC enthusiasts the world over are already familiar with the benefits of all-in-one liquid cooling systems for their CPUs, and many of them have even added similar systems to their graphics cards using aftermarket kits to pursue the outer limits of GPU performance.
The ROG Strix LC Radeon RX 6800 XT fuses the power of air and liquid cooling out of the box. It's designed from the ground up with a custom liquid cooling module that's specifically tailored to the needs of a graphics card. A large cold plate cools both the GPU die and the GDDR6 memory modules that ring the chip. The heat from those components is transferred directly into the liquid cooling loop rather than into the case’s internal environment. At the other end of the loop, a 240 mm radiator strikes the right balance between high cooling potential and broad compatibility with the mounting points available in today's PC cases. A low-noise blower fan and low-profile heatsink within the shroud of the graphics card ensures the power-delivery circuitry stays cool. However it is mounted in a PC, the ROG Strix LC Radeon RX 6800 XT seamlessly integrates with the build. The card is equipped with especially long 600 mm coolant hoses to allow for more mounting options in a case, even in EATX enclosures with cavernous interiors. The hoses are sleeved in textile webbing to protect against abrasion and to add an extra touch of class to the system.
To move heat out of the loop, a pair of custom-designed 120 mm radiator fans that are optimized for both high CFMs and static pressure keep air moving through the closely packed fins of the heat exchanger. As with other ROG Strix cards, the ROG Strix LC Radeon RX 6800 XT's onboard FanConnect II headers can be connected to a pair of system fans. These headers let connected case fans respond directly to changes in GPU or CPU temperatures, increasing airflow right when it's needed.
Learn more about the ROG Strix LC Radeon RX 6800 XT at ROG.ASUS.com

The ROG Strix RX 6800 flies high with a full complement of ROG innovations
Alongside the Radeon RX 6800 XT, AMD is also announcing the AMD Radeon RX 6800 to bring ‘Big Navi’ performance to more midrange systems. For Radeon fans in the Republic of Gamers, the ROG Strix version of the RX 6800 comes decked out with all the latest ASUS advancements for air-cooled graphics cards.
A massive 2.9-slot heatsink effectively transfers heat away from the GPU silicon itself using multiple heat pipes and a MaxContact base plate, which increases surface area for better heat transfer. A trio of fans with the latest Axial-tech design push plenty of airflow through the heatsink's dense fin array while minimizing noise levels. Notched barrier rings on the outer fans, along with higher blade counts than the previous generation and a counter-rotating central fan, ensure that airflow is directed to the hottest parts of the GPU cooler with minimal interference from unwanted turbulence. The custom short PCB of the ROG Strix Radeon™ RX 6800 facilitates a ventilation cutout in the full-length back plate of the cooler, providing more room for heat to exit the GPU and enter the case's airflow path.
Learn more about the ROG Strix Radeon™ RX 6800 at ROG.ASUS.com

TUF Gaming pairs sturdy and stealthy designs with the RX 6800 XT and RX 6800
For gamers who want sturdy, stealthy graphics cards, ASUS also created TUF Gaming versions of the Radeon™ RX 6800 XT and RX 6800. The cooling design of both cards starts with a 2.9-slot heatsink built for plenty of thermal headroom and quiet operation under the demands of today's highest-wattage GPUs. Air is propelled through that high surface area heatsink using three Axial-tech fans. Just like on the ROG Strix cooler, the central fan rotates clockwise while the two on the flanks spin counterclockwise to reduce turbulence. This proven design allows higher RPMs and more air movement through the heatsink without a corresponding increase in acoustic footprint. An angular aluminum shroud with a rugged new industrial design wraps around the heatsink to suggest a sense of purposeful performance.
A full-length aluminum backplate adds a touch of style to a system with subtle TUF Gaming graphics, and a large ventilation cutout ahead of the short custom PCB provides another route for hot air to enter the case's airflow path. Auto-Extreme assembly technology, used across the lineup, precisely places and solders components without human intervention to boost reliability and build quality. A 144-hour testing regime and extra-sturdy capacitors ensure out-of-the-box reliability and a long service life. Users can also personalize the card to match the rest of the system using the onboard Aura RGB LEDs.

For more information on pricing and availability of all of our new Radeon RX 6000-series graphics cards,
please contact your local ASUS representative.


  •  AMD® Radeon™ RX 6800 XT
  •  Memory speed: 16 Gbps
  •  PCIe® interface: 4.0
  •  1 x USB Type-C
  •  2x Native HDMI 2.1b
  •  1x Native DisplayPort 1.4a
  • TUF Gaming Radeon™ RX 6800 XT OC Edition
  •  AMD® Radeon™ RX 6800 XT
  •  Memory speed: 16 Gbps
  •  PCIe® interface: 4.0
  •  1 x Native HDMI 2.1b
  •  3 x Native DisplayPort 1.4a
  •  AMD® Radeon™ RX 6800
  •  Memory speed: 16 Gbps
  •  PCIe® interface: 4.0
  •  1 x Native HDMI 2.1b
  •  3 x Native DisplayPort 1.4a
  • TUF Gaming Radeon™ RX 6800 OC Edition
  •  AMD® Radeon™ RX 6800
  •  Memory speed: 16 Gbps
  •  PCIe® interface: 4.0
  •  1 x Native HDMI 2.1b
  •  3 x Native DisplayPort 1.4a

About ASUS
ASUS is a multinational company known for the world’s best motherboards, PCs, monitors, graphics
cards and routers. Along with an expanding range of superior gaming, content-creation and AIoT
solutions, ASUS leads the industry through cutting-edge design and innovations made to create the most
ubiquitous, intelligent, heartfelt and joyful smart life for everyone. With a global workforce that includes
more than 5,000 R&D professionals, ASUS is driven to become the world’s most admired innovative
leading technology enterprise. Inspired by the In Search of Incredible brand spirit, ASUS won more than
11 awards every day in 2019 and ranks as one of Forbes’ World’s Best Regarded Companies and
Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies.
About ROG
Republic of Gamers (ROG) is an ASUS sub-brand dedicated to creating the world’s best gaming
hardware and software. Formed in 2006, ROG offers a complete line of innovative products known for
performance and quality, including motherboards, graphics cards, laptops, desktops, monitors, audio
equipment, routers and peripherals. ROG participates in and sponsors major international gaming events.
ROG gear has been used to set hundreds of overclocking records and it continues to be the preferred
choice of gamers and enthusiasts around the world. Learn more about the choice of champions
at http://rog.asus.com.

30-10-2020 08:12:19

jeg tager gerne et ASUS RX 6800 XT TUF Gaming OC 😀 

30-10-2020 08:28:31

jeg håber bare de kan gøre det bedre med deres driver denne gang.. 

30-10-2020 09:41:21

#2 Har du haft problemer med AMD drivers?

30-10-2020 10:18:11

#3 sidst jeg havde AMD kort var Fury kort, og der var problemer i starten med driverne, så det var svært at se hvilken kort man skulle vælge mellem et nvidia produkt eller AMD... jeg kunne godt tænke mig, de bare gad at være klar på lancering dagen af deres driver på et nyt produkt..

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Anonym2021815192642 d. 30-10-2020 10:19:01.

30-10-2020 11:29:27

#4 Ja ok jeg havde også et Fury og det kørte som smurt. Det kunne endda køre med 3 skærme i vertikal-horisontal-vertikal opsætning hvilket ingen nvidia kort kunne gøre, så der var deres driver bedre. Jeg havde heller aldrig problemer med driverne på mit 290x grafikkort...


Så vidt jeg har læst mig til har de største problemer med 5700 serien også været custom kort, hvor nogle af producenterne har fået lavet noget skrald (lidt lige som dem der sparede på caps i 3080 kortene).

30-10-2020 12:50:35

Jeg synes også fury kort kørte godt, men har oplevet sort skærm som de kalder det... og jeg giver dig ret i at 3080 kort ser billigt ud med caps, også derfor jeg bestilte asus tuf serien 

30-10-2020 14:31:28

Jeg husker nu også evindelige problemer og betadrivere til min Radeonkort

Den eneste måde at undgå dem på var at skifte til Nvidia😉

30-10-2020 15:08:51

Hvornår kan vi forvente at se priserne på disse nye AMD "vidundere"? Indtil videre ser det jo rigtig godt ud i de benchmark AMD har foretaget, men hvordan ser det ud når 3.part får lov at teste dem, og hvad koster disse AMD kort (tænker her på alle AMD's forskellige udgaver fra highend til budget)? Hvis de er 5-10% hurtigere end rtx3080, men koster 1000,-kr mere, så går det sjove jo ret hurtigt af, selvom AMD har 6Gbyte mere Vram end RTX3080

30-10-2020 15:43:34

jeg gætter på ugen før den 18 

30-10-2020 16:49:29

#8, i følge en indisk tech side


AMD has unveiled three new graphics cards under the Radeon RX 6000 series: AMD Radeon RX 6800, AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT, and its new flagship AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT. The last of them is the fastest gaming graphics card AMD has ever developed, the American giant claimed in its announcement. The first two — RX 6800 and RX 6800 XT — will be available November 18 at $579 and $649 respectively, with the RX 6900 XT following December 8 for $999 (about Rs. 74,000). 

30-10-2020 16:59:05

Tak #10. Så mangler der bare at komme danske priser, nogengange er der x10 (dansk moms, told og fortjeneste), mens det andre gange kan klares med (ca) x7.

Det lyder således til, at hvis et RX6900 XT kan hamle op med et RTX 3090, så vil det være et rigtig godt køb, selvom man går fra 24 til 16 Gbyte Vram. Jeg venter spændt på, om jeg skal afbestille mit MSI RTX 3090 og så købe et RX 6900 XT i stedet for, hvis DET ellers er til at købe nogen steder 😉

30-10-2020 17:07:18

#11 ja de danske priser er lidt mærkeligt, de første 100 får dem til god pris, resten skal betale 2k mere :-S 

30-10-2020 17:39:09

3080 er lanceret til 700 USD

6800 XT er lanceret il 650 USD


Så kommer board-partners udgaver med andre priser selvfølgelig oveni, men som udgangspunkt er et 6800 XT 50 dollaser billigere end 3080, så det forhold kommer vi jo også til at se her til lands. 🙂

30-10-2020 20:21:43

det ser sgu godt ud 😀 https://www.amd.com/en/gaming/...

31-10-2020 18:44:52

Der er bestemt også problemer med nvidia, der var ret mange defekte kort sidste launch (rtx2000), og igen dette launch var der problemer. Jeg er done med nvidia, har ellers haft nvidia kort siden FX tiden, nu skal der sku shoppes AMD, snupper mig et 6800xt strix tror jeg :)

01-11-2020 15:16:01

ja jeg vil også prøve AMD GPU, det ser ud til de har taget sig sammen.. 

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Anonym2021815192642 d. 01-11-2020 15:16:43.