Det er ved at være noget tid siden at man kunne se en AM2 processor blive testet af Onkel Tom.
Mange har efterlyst andre tests af processoreren, og bønnerne er nu blevet hørt!
En af de helt store drenge, nemlig Anandtech, har også haft muligheden for at benchmarke lidt på AMD's kommende vidunder:
"AMD's Socket-AM2 only offers a minimal performance increase, then why on Earth is AMD moving to it?
AMD has done a tremendous job of making DDR-400 last with their architecture. When Intel first talked about moving to DDR2 there was concern that AMD's delayed move to the new memory technology would result in it being behind the curve, but the absolute opposite held true; Intel showed no benefit from DDR2 initially and AMD did just fine with only DDR-400.
However times are changing, and after a very long hiatus Intel will soon resume increases in FSB frequency, not to mention that their new Core architecture is considerably more data hungry than anything we've seen to date. So on the Intel side of the fence, the greater bandwidth offered by DDR2 will finally have a real use. With Intel DDR2 demand increasing and more manufacturing shifting away from DDR, it now makes sense for AMD to jump on the DDR2 bandwagon as well. If AMD does it early enough, the transition to DDR2 will be complete before any of its products desperately need it, which is always a better route. " link til testen