Hvem har ikke tænkt på hvor fantastisk det kunne være at flytte store mængder luft lydløst? Hvor mange har ikke tænkt på at deres computer larmer lidt for meget og bliver kølet lidt for lidt ? Måske den tid er ovre, en gut fra inventgeek.com har nemlig fundet ud af at man, med en modificeret ION-blæser, kan opnå et HELT lydløst system vha. passive køleprofiler og I-Ram drev som harddisk. Derudover er ydelsen heller ikke ligefrem dårlig.
This was a really fun project to do. Turning on this computer has to rank as one of the strangest experiences I have ever had. Pushing the power button on a computer and literally not hear anything at all. You watch the screen with deep anticipation wondering if you had done something wrong... the one or 2 seconds that pass as the system does the post tests just prior to displaying anything on the screen were truly torturous! Then pop and up comes the bios. You get in and configure it you your flavor, set up you raid and then go and watch the systems health stats."
Link: http://inventgeek.com/Projects/IonCooler/Overview.aspx