
Dette keyboard fra Logitech er intet mindre end fantastisk. Efter at have brugt det, kan jeg kun sige at jeg næsten er blevet afhængig. Den balance der er i tasterne og størrelsen på disse, gør det til et super behageligt keyboard, der helt sikkert kan betragtes som tronarvingen til det bedste all-around keyboard efter Logitechs populære DiNovo serie. Samtidig er prisen bestemt heller ikke forhindringen for at købe det!
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Det er ikke en super ny teknologi, som Logitech har benyttet sig af, da de lavede dette keyboard. Til gengæld har de samlet de bedste eksisterende teknologier, og resultatet blev Illuminated. Vi giver den 4!
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Der er ikke vildt meget med i kassen. Udover keyboardet finder man en manual og noget info, og det er sådan set det. Men det er nu heller ikke fordi man skal bruge meget mere, for at komme i gang. Vi giver den en middel karakter.
Design/Layout - 5
Designet på dette keyboard er fantastisk. Knapperne er vildt behagelige og funktionstasten i stedet for den anden Windows tast er at gøre brug af noget funktionelt i stedet for den mindst brugte tast på hele tastaturet. Top karakter fra os!
Software - 4
Logitechs SetPoint software er et fantastisk stykke software til at kontrollere din mus og dit tastatur. Du har mulighed for at disable de taster du ikke bruger, så du ikke ved et uheld rammer taster som Insert, der mest af alt bare er irriterende.
Ydelse - 5
Ydelsen kan der ikke være tvivl om. Det er absolut det mest behagelige keyboard jeg nogensinde har siddet med. Knapperne har fuld størrelse, belysningen er rent faktisk effektiv og følelsen af at skrive på tastaturet er simpelthen for lækker. Top karakter!
Pris - 4
EDBpriser afslører at dette keyboard kan erhverves for omkring 500,- kr. Det er en mere end rimelig pris for så sublimt et keyboard. Vi vælger at give det et 4-tal for den pris.
Test: Logitech Illuminated Keyboard
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 83% |
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hereUK summary

This keyboard is nothing short of exceptional. After having used it, I have to say that I have become somewhat addicted to it. The balance in the keys and the size of these makes it a super comfortable keyboard, which can definately be considered the heir to the all time popular Logitech DiNovo serie. At the same time, the price is not really anything that hinders the purchase of this keyboard.
Innovation/Technology - 4
It is not a brand new technology used in making this keyboard. Instead Logitech has gathered all the best excisting technologies available, and put them into this keyboard. We will give it 4.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
There is not really alot in the bundle. Besides the keyboard, there is a manual and some info papers. But there is not really alot else to wish for, so we will give it a middle grade.
Design/Layout - 5
The design is just fantastic. The buttons are very comfortable and the idea of swapping out the most ignored key on a keyboard with something very useful, is just genious. Top grade from us!
Software - 4
The SetPoint software is an amazing piece of software for adjusting your mouse and keyboard to your needs. The ability to disable keys you do not use, such as the Insert key, which is just super annoying, if pressed down by accident, is a very nice feature.
Performance - 5
There can be no doubt about the performance. It is without a doubt the best keyboard I've had the pleasure of testing. The buttons are full size, the background lighting of the keys is actually useful and increases your performance, and the feeling of pressing down the keys is fantastic. Top grade!
Price - 4
A quick trip to EDBpriser revealed a price of about 500,- DKK for this keyboard. That is more than fair for a keyboard of this quality, so we have decided to grant it a score of 4.