
Det har været rigtig godt at se Intel har valgt også at varetage overclockernes præferencer, selv om man godt kunne unde dem at lade være - det er trods alt deres chip der bliver udsat for mishandling. Isæt det sofistikerede overclockings-værktøj var en stor bonus i denne sammenhæng. Generelt, og ikke overclocket yder boardet på lige fod med andre P55 bundkort, men når det kommer til maximal overclocking, så halter intel stadig en smule efter, dog uden at levere en decideret skuffende ydelse. Meget afhænger ultimativt af prisen, for er DP55KG endnu et show-bundkort, eller har Intel seriøse intentioner om at konkurrere med deres egne kunder?
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
P55 er så nyt som noget bliver i den her branche, og Intel har modsat alle andre bundkortproducenter, rent faktisk udviklet skidtet helt fra bunden af selv. Det vil vi gerne give 5 points for.
Design/Layout - 4
Rent æstetisk er DP55KG et meget flot bundkort, hvor farverne er holdt simple og klassiske. Der er tilmed blevet plads til lidt bling-bling, i form af et blåt lysende, eller til harddiskens aktivitet -blinkende skelethoved. På bagpanelet er en knap der kan trykkes ind, så man kan boote ved for meget OC - en slags dual-BIOS, som vi har set før, men ikke fra Intel. Det eneste der i vores øjne ikke er placeret på bundkortet med omtanke, er fejl-displayet, der meget nemt forsvinder bag CPU-køler, grafikkort og RAM.
Software/BIOS - 5
Intel skal have 5 points i denne kategori, for det fremragende overclockings-værktøj "Desktop Control Center".
Ydelse - 4
Vi kunne ikke presse nær så mange MHz ud af CPU'en, som med andre P55 bundkort vi har testet. Ved standard hastighed yder DP55KG på lige fod med andre P55 bundkort.
Pris - 1
Intel DP55KG koster iflg. EDBpriser kr. 1270,- fra billigste forhandler inkl. porto. Det er en hamper pris, som Intel garanteret med vilje har sat, for ikke at udkonkurrere deres egne kunder (de andre bundkort-producenter), og dermed må vi konkludere at DP55KG er et show-bundkort, der ikke er attraktivt for slutbrugeren.
Test: Intel DP55KG
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 1 |
| |
Samlet | 76% |
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It has been nice to see that Intel has chosen to take overclockers preferences into consideration, eventhough they do not really have to - it is after all their chip, that is usually manhandled. Especially the sofisticated overclocking tool was a huge bonus here. In general, and not overclocked, the board performs equally to other P55 boards, but when it comes to maximum overclocking, Intel is still a bit behind, without delivering a disappointing performance though. But alot is determined by the price, so is DP55KG a show-motherboard, or have Intel serious intentions of competing with their own customers.
Innovation/Technology - 5
P55 is as new as anything gets in this business, and Intel have, unlike all other motherboard manufacturers, developed it from scratch. We would like to give a top grade for that.
Design/Layout - 4
DP55KG is a very nice motherboard, where the colours are kept simple and classic. There is even room for a bit of bling-bling, in the form of blue light, or for the activity of the harddisk - a blinking skeleton head. On the backpanel, there is a button you can press, so you can boot it up with too much OC - a kind of dual BIOS as we have seen before, but not from Intel. The only thing that is not really placed on the board with much thought to it, is the error display, which easily disappears behind CPU-cooler, graphic card and RAM.
Software/BIOS - 5
Intel deserves 5 points in this category, for the excellent overclocking tool "Desktop Control Center".
Performance - 4
We did not manage to press as many MHz out of this CPU, as on other P55 motherboards we have tested. At standard speed DP55KG persorms equally to other P55 motherboards.
Price - 1
Intel DP55KG costs DKK 1270,- from the cheapest distributor on EDBpriser.dk including shipping. That is a quite high price, which Intel have probably set on purpose, in order to not compete against their own customers (the other manufacturers), and therefore we can conclude that DP55KG is a show-motherboard, that is not attractive for the end user.