LG BL20 er uden tvivl en designtelefon som ikke bruger det som undskyldning for ikke at have specifikationerne i orden. Hvis BL20 var chokolade, så ville det være en kraftig og elegant mærk chokolade som nemt kunne bruges i en elegant isdessert.
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Hvis man vil have en touchscreen , så har BL20 en storebror. BL20 er ikke et teknisk vidunder, men har specsne med et 5Mpixels kamera, LED flash , MP3 afspiller og Widgets , så vil de fleste være glade. GPS og WiFi ville måske være overkill, men kunne være rart.
Bundle/Tilbehør -2
Pakken indeholder det meste. Den kombineret lader / USB kabel er smart , selvom det ville være rart med to forskellige. Ellers er der ikke meget guf i pakken.
Design/Layout - 4
Designet er elegant og farvevalget er lige i skabet. Materialerne er gode, men man kunne godt ønske sig noget lidt mere eksklusivt som aluminium. De almindelige taster er fremragende , store og med god response. Touchtasterne virker , ser super fede ud, men de giver ikke samme "sikkerhed" for man rammer rigtig som almindelige taster. Ud fra et design synspunkt virker de dog rigtig godt, da de giver et godt visuelt udtryk med den røde farve imod det sorte. Største minus er den blanke overflade som nærmest suger støv og fedtfingre til sig. Et andet minus er det manglende minijackstik, det er lidt bøvlet at have et adapter til. Slidefunktionen virker rigtig godt og skærmen har en god lysstyrke.
Software - 3
LGs PC Suite er ganske udemærket og gør jobbet godt. Softwaren på telefonen har mange muligheder for tilpasning og har rigtig mange smarte funktionerer. Der er dog små irritationsmomenter i softwaren som man kunne være foruden.
Ydelse - 3
Telefonen virker kvik i det daglige. I de rå tal, er der telefoner som er hurtigere, men overordnet så er BL20 hurtigt. Batterilevetiden er rimelig uden at være prangende. Lydkvaliteten er gennemsnitslig dog med en tendens til at blive en smule hul.
Pris - 4
LG BL20 fås i skrivende stund for ca. 1400-1500 kroner uden abonnement og med abonnement til små 2700 (99 for telefonen) - hvilket må siges at være en rimeligt , især taget i betragtning af designet og de rimelige mange funktioner.
Test: LG BL20 Black Label
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 2 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 3 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 63% |
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LG BL20 is without a doubt a designer phone which does not makes this as an excuse for not having proper specs. LG BL20 was a choclate , then it would be a powerfull and elegant brand of chocolate which easily could be used in a fancy ice dessert.
Innovation/Technology - 3
If you want a touchscreen BL20 has a bigbrother. BL20 is not a wonder of technology, but have nice specs like 5Mpixel camera, LED Flash, MP3 player and Widgets, then most people would be happy. GPS and WiFi could be usefull, but is somehow overkill.
Bundle/Accessories - 2
The package contains the basic. The combined USB cable / power cord charger is good, but it would be nicer with two charger options. Otherwise the package does not impress much.
Design/Layout - 4
The design is elegant and the choice of colors is perfect. The materials is good, but exotic materials like aluminum could give the design an even more exclusive look. The normal numeric pad is excellent, big and with good response. The touch buttons look sub zero cool, but lacks somehow the feeling you get with “real” buttons. From a visual point of view they are just right, especially when they buttons glows in contrast to the black surface. When this is said, the surface almost sucks dust and greasy fingerprints – and is almost impossible to keep clean. The missing minijack connections is not good, since you have to struggle with an adapter – LG this is rubbish! On the positive the slide functions works well and the screen is very clear and bright.
Software - 3
Lgs' PC Suite works well and makes the job. The software on the phone have plenty of options for customizing and there is many smart features. There is some small errors, which LG can remove with an firmware update.
Performance - 3
The phone seems fast when using it. In the synthetic JAVA benchmark there are phones which are faster, but generally there is no speed issues. The battery life is good without being one of the longest on the market. The sound is average , but has a tendency to become a little bit hollow.
Price - 4
LG BL20 can at the moment be yours for about 1400-1500 DKK without a subscription and with subsidy you get if for about 2700 DKK (99 for the phone alone) – which is a bargain, especially when taking into consideration the design and the rather good specs.