En ny variant af Beagle virussen, er ved at stille og roligt at sprede sig på internettet. Sørg for at opdatere jeres antivirus programmer. "Yet another new version of the bagle virus is making its way through the many hapless, unprotected computers on the internet. This version of the bagle virus attempts to download a worm from various websites."
Lidt info om denne nye virus:
"Bagle.AI was first discovered on August 31st, and the attack slipped in under the radar of our own corporate antivirus. The virus arrives by an e-mail with the subject "foto", and a spoofed "from" address. The attachment is an un-encrypted Zip file named "foto.zip"
The zip file contains two files, foto.html and foto1.exe. When a user clicks on the HTML file, it executes the foto1.exe file. The HTML file contains JavaScript that is detected as JS/IllWill. The foto1.exe initially drops a file named DORIOT.EXE (note, it has the creation date of 9/1/04, which was a day ahead of the start of the outbreak) into the Window system folder, along with a companion file"
Se hele nyheden her: http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1641537,00.asp