30-inch LCD TV vil snart blive udfaset.
Man vil stoppe produktionen af disse skærme, for til gengæld at satse mere på 32tommers modellen.
Så står man og skal bruge et LCD TV, så er tiden måske nu, med mindre de vil falde helt vildt i pris op til selve stoppet i produktionen.
Se mere her:
The 30-inch LCD TV segment will be phased out once Taiwan-based panel makers ramp up capacity at their sixth-generation (6G) TFT LCD plants, according to Peter Chen, general manager of BenQ's digital media division, at a seminar yesterday.
Since the makers will migrate from 30-inch to 32-inch LCD TV panel production in early 2005, and prices for 30-inch LCD TVs are anticipated to keep falling in the fourth quarter of this year, now is a good time to buy 30-inch LCD TVs, Chen indicated.