En P4 4.0Ghz kommer ikke, men overclock bare din 570J.
Det er muligt at der aldrig kommer en P4 4Ghz CPU, men hvorfor også betale for det når 570J 3.8Ghz CPU'en sagtens kan overclockes til 4Ghz! Citat:
Intel confirms the 570J microprocessor has been released today.
The 570J, which is a Pentium 4 at 3.80GHz frequency with 1MB of cache, an 800MHz front side bus and the NX flag enabled will be the last of its kind.
... look on the bright side. As Tech Report says in an article on the 570J today, the 3.8GHz Pentium 4 can be overcocked to 4GHz without too much trouble at all. It also comes with lower power consumption, Scott Wasson reckons. Og læs lige den her: "We think AMD could have gone a bit further with its own high end chips, but if Intel doesn't, why should it? The two companies have always walked hand in hand. Heck Robert Noyce even lent Jerry Sanders III the cash to start up AMD, a historic irony indeed" Nyheden findes her: