Så er der benchmark resultater for nVidias 6600 AGP kort.
omkring 7600 points i 3Dmark2003 og omkring 3000 i 3DMark 2005, er hvad man ca. kan forvente sig med AGP versionen af nVidias 6600.
Citat: It will score 7600 in 3Dmark03 and 3000 in new 3Dmark05. Card is clocked at 500MHz core, 45 MHz memory and from what we saw it will come either close or tight with its PCIe brother card. In case you haven?t noticed, the memory used on this card is clocked 100 MHz lower than the 500/1000 MHz clocked Geforce 6600 GT PCIe. We will ask around, but I guess Nvidia did it to compensate the cost of more expensive and complex PCB and bridge chip with cheaper memory. Still, it works fine - at least according to the numbers we've seen. Link: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=19672
hmm hvis den koster 1500 er det lidt dyrt, jeg har et Pci-E GF 5750. den scrore lca. 35-et eller andet i 3DMark03. Og 12990 i 3DMark01 så hvorfor købe det?