Lyd d. 11. februar. 2011, skrevet af The_Dare_Devil 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 8220 gange.
Innovation - N/A
Jeg har valgt ikke at give karakter i denne kategori, da stort set alle headsets i dag bygges på baggrund af kendte principper og velafprøvet teknologi.
Bundle - N/A
Jeg har valgt ikke at give karakter i denne kategori, da der intet tilbehør medfølger. Havde der været tale om en produkt, der havde et egentligt behov for tilbehør eller havde prisen været ret meget højere, ville jeg have tildelt et 1-tal.
Ydelse - 4
Pris - 4
Prisen for Oxid ligger på lige pt. omkring 300 kr. Man får rigtig meget lyd for pengene og komforten er god. Finder man fjernbetjeningen brugbar, vil jeg mene, at Oxid er et rigtig godt køb. Oxid redder sig derfor endnu et 4-tal i denne kategori.
Design - Layout | 4 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
Samlet | 80% |
It has been a joy reviewing Oxid. The first hand impression of the build quality was not too good, but Oxid turned out being very comforable wearing. The sound was satisfying. Physically Oxid was a bit big, especially the remote taken into considerations. Let's handle out some grades.
Innovation - N/A
I have chosen not to rate Ozone Oxid in this category, as just about all headsets produced today are built upon the same well known principles.
Bundle - N/A
I have chosen not to rate Ozone Attack in this category, as no accessories are bundled with the product. Had Attack been an expensive headset, i would have rated 1, but it is not.
Design/Layout - 4
I was actually stuck between 3 and 4, but the wearing comfort combined with great adjustibility of the microfone convinced me of 4 - even though sleeveing is missing and the remote is a bit big.
Performance - 4
The performance is good, but not fantastic. I have tried several better headsets, but none of them were in the same price range as Oxid. Therefore i decided to give 4.
Price - 4
The price tags says about 300 DKK. The comfort and sound taken into consideration, you get real value for your money. If you like the big (and functional) remote, Oxid is definetly a best buy.