
Hvis du mangler et eksternt drev til at brænde DVD'er og læse blu-ray, DVD eller bare CD, så er dette LiteOn drev et fint bud. Det er let at have med rundt, og mangler kun muligheden for at brænde blu-ray medier også, for at kunne alt. Man betaler en del ekstra for at drevet også kan læse blu-ray, men hvis det er et ønske at kunne det, er der ikke mange konkurrenter på markedet for øjeblikket.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Der er ikke mange tilsvarende produkter på markedet, der er eksterne, har lightscribe og er i stand til at læse blu-ray medier. For at være helt i top mangler den at kunne brænde dem også, men man kan jo ikke få alt.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
En god softwarepakke fra Cyberlink trækker op i kategorien, men reklamerne i softwarepakken samt det for nogen lidt korte USB kabel trækker en smule ned.
Design/Layout - 4
Designet er nydeligt, og drevet er dejlig kompakt og lige til at tage med sig. Selv om det ser pænt ud, er det dog lavet fuldstændig i plastik, så vi når ikke helt i top.
Ydelse - 2
Ydelsen ligger omkring hvor man kunne forvente i forhold til specifikationerne.
Pris - 2
Det billigste sted på nettet koster drevet i dag DKR 873,-, hvilket er omkring tre gange så meget som et tilsvarende drev der ikke kan læse blu-ray. Hermed koster denne funktionalitet altså noget ekstra, og man bør derfor overveje med sig selv om man virkelig har brug for den.
UK summary

If you need an external optical drive to burn DVD's and read blu-ray discs, DVD's or just a plain old CD, then this LiteOn drive could be just what you need. It is very easy to take it with you, and it only lacks the ability to burn blu-ray discs. You do pay a lot extra for the ability to read blu-ray discs, but if you need just that then there is not many alternatives on the market.
Innovation/Technology - 4
There is not many alternatives out there which is external, and supports lightscribe and the playback of blu-ray discs. In order to get a top grade it should have been able to burn blu-ray media as well, but off course you can't have it all.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
Plus points is awarded for the nice software from Cyberlink, but the fact that it has advertisements in it and the kind of short USB cable is a minor drawback.
Design/Layout - 4
The design is nice and the drive is compact and easy to carry along. Even though it does look good, it is made entirely out of plastic and is thus not awarded the top grade.
Performance - 2
The performance is as you would expect it when considering the specifications.
Price - 2
At the cheapes online store you can find this product for DKK 873,-, which is roughly three times as much as a comparable drive without the ability to read blu-ray. Hence this extra feature costs quite a lot extra, and you should thus consider if you really need it or could do without.
Test: LiteOn 6x Extern Bluray Disc Combo
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Ydelse | 2 |
Pris | 2 |
| |
Samlet | 64% |
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