Køleskabs eventyr på overclockers.com. En computer moddes ind i et brugt hotel køleskab og overclockes.
Der er en pæn portion Georg Gearløs over dette projekt som overclockers.com har kastet sig ud i.
It went straight into the BIOS:
CPU temp -5 C, mainboard 16 C and waterblock -10 C!
Good start! I already had this setup running a 2000 MHz with room temperature water, so I set the FSB and multiplier slightly lower (12.5 x 157) and booted into Window's no drama's.
MBM temp's showed that, after 4 hours of running Sisoft Sandra, playing a couple of games, etc, the temps got up to:
CPU 8 C, Mainboard 23 C and waterblock at 1 C. http://www.overclockers.com/articles975/