Aseteks helt nye VapoChill Lightspeed slår konkurrenten Nventives køleløsninger. Asetek har taget udfordringen op fra Nventive, og har brugt samme, men mindre elegante løsning som konkurrenten, nemlig en ekstern køler, der benytter en 230 Volts kompressor. VapoChill Lightspeed kan nemt klare op til 250 Watts varme, hvilket er rekord inden for den slags kølesystemer. Selvom VapoChill Lightspeed ikke er så elegant som tidligere løsninger fra Asetek, så må man alligevel tage hatten af for designet, som er bedre end Nventives.
We managed to reach some interesting scores. We cranked the 3.4GHz Northwood up to 4412 MHz 159x17 FSB and we managed to get this one stable with our 3dmark01 test. Experience suggests that if a machine runs 3dMark it'll be stable in just about anything.
We already showed that we pushed Prescott to 4.3GHz and were able to cool this rather warm CPU. This was our fastest overclock since we where talking about 3.2 GHz CPU speeded up to 4.3 GHz -- not to mention that with a normal cooler this CPU works close to 70 Celsius. We managed to remove 196 W from this one and this speaks how powerful this unit is. You can see more here here.
We managed to get the Extremely Expensive CPU purring at up to 4.3GHz - a quite extraordinary result. At this speed you can get your memory to transfer 6000 MB/s - very nice number indeed. We also got incredible Quake and 3dMark scores.
As for the Athlon FX on an Asus board that gave us more then few headaches, we managed to get this CPU running at 2.87 -- what we believe could be the fastest overclock of this CPU with any retail available cooling solution. Læs hele testen her: