Rockstar og Steam forkludrer GTA-V PC frigivelse

GTA-V blev frigivet idag og rigtigt mange, havde nok forud downloadet spillet for at undgå ventetid. Men da spillet blev frigivet, blev alle mødt med en patch download på 1GB, og så gik tingene simpelthen i stå. Men det er der vel ikke noget at sige til når alle prøver at hente 1GB fra deres server på en gang. Oven i det blev man mødt med et krav fra installeren om at der skulle bruges 65GB plads oveni de downloadet 59GB for at kunne installere spillet. Det må have givet en del SSD brugere sved på panden, specielt hvis man kun har SSD og ikke nogen lagerdisk.
"Gamers with space-constrained SSD setups, who had to make room for the 65-gigabyte game, and who downloaded the 59 GB pre-load ahead of its 14th April launch, met with a rude shock to find that the game's installer needs another 65 GB of space to decrypt the pre-loaded game, or find Steam crawl with the installation after having filled up their SSD.
What's the point of a pre-load (normally a good way to shed your distribution server load), if you're going to subject people to a 1 GB launch-time patch, which each of your user is going to download on launch-day, and clog your pipes to 56K dial-up speeds? Rockstar did exactly that. Our patch is merrily chugging along at 0.05 Mbps."
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