Store nyheder fra Razer...

Razer som er kendt af de fleste som innovativ udbyder af Gaming Mouse og Keyboards m.m., har valgt at tage skridtet fuldt ud. Det gør de ved, i samarbejde med Lenovo at udgive notebook, som efter forlydende skulle indeholde det bedste fra begge producenter. Det vil betyde en Gaming notebook som ydelse mæssig skal ud og kæmpe om markedsandele mod f.eks.MSI, Gigabyte, Dell, HP, SharkGaming osv. Deres notebooks har været på markedet et stykke tid, men det er først nu de vil blive distribueret til salg i Europa.
Razer skriver selv i deres presse meddelse:
JÖNKÖPING, Sweden - (Dreamhack 2015) - Razer™, a world leader in connected devices and software for gamers, today annonced it wil begin distributing its award-winning range of gaming systems in Europe next month. Initial sales will open this December 10th via Razer's Online Retail store with the 14-inch Razer Blade laptop, this year's "Best Thin Gaming Laptop for Every Need" according to Gizmodo, and the "Editor's Choice" of PC Magazine, Laptop Magazine and
The new 256 GB QHD+ Razer Blade slated for release next month features a backlit, anti-ghosting Nordic-layout keyboard. Additionally, customers in Europe will be able to purchase 256 GB and 512 GB QHD+ and 256 GB full HD Razer Blades with Enlighs (U.S) keyboard layouts.
"The demand in Europe for the world's thinnest, most powerful and portable laptop for gamers has inspired us every waking moment since we launched the Razer Blade three years ago," says Razer CEO and Co-Founder Min-Liang Tan. We are happy to say that everything is finally in place toffer Razer's high-performance gaming systems throughout EU in 2016, with the feature sets and product support that gamers want, need and deserve."
Razer EU General Marco Chilon says: "We are really excited to kick-off our European Blade sales in the Nordics, such an inredible gaming center with so much history. We are now working to produce keyboard layouts to meet the needs of the rest of EU as quickly as possible, as well as getting the best distributors and retailers on board for a full rollout next year. It is our pleasure to offer everyone the current generation of Blade laptops in the meantime with localized power adapter and with full support to enable users to customize thei OS language."
Du kan se mere HER på Razer's website
Kilde - Press release