Antec lancerer to nye kølere

Antec har lancerer to nye kølere til dem der ikke kan nøjes med en almindelig luftkøler. Der er tale om de to modeller H2O 600 PRO og H2O 1200 PRO.
Det er to kompakte kølere, som efter deres egen overbevisning er af uovertruffen kvalitet og holdbarhed. Den store ydeevne skyldes en stor kobber bundplade, masser af præcision og højt flow gennem pumpen. Under drift af kølesystemet, er de næsten uhørlig. Montering af det kompakte, vedligeholdelsesfrie system skulle være hurtigt og enkelt.
Forskellen på de to modeller, er at 1200 modellen har to fans og kan derved aflede mere varme, hvilket igen skulle give mulighed for et overclocke uden at løbe ind i varmeproblemer. Derimod giver den med blot en enkelt fan, mulighed for at udnytte køleren i et mindre kabinet.
Det som Antec slår på med disse to modeller er:
Betydeligt bedre ydelse end luftkølere
Maksimal køling takket være den tykke kobberplade og højtydende radiator.
Lav støjniveau møder enorm køle kapacitet
Høj byggekvalitet og ekstrem holdbarhed.

H2O 1200
Vi har fået tilsendt nedenstående pressemeddelelse.
Antec Kühler H2O H600 PRO and H1200 PRO: Compact, high-performance and durable liquid cooling systems
Rotterdam, the Netherlands, January 2016 – Californian hardware manufacturer Antec introduces the liquid coolers Kühler H2O H600 PRO and H1200 PRO. These compact systems combine maximum efficiency, high performance and great build quality. The liquid coolers are the perfect choice for demanding gaming rigs that exceed the capabilities of conventional coolers.
Maximum cooling thanks to large copper base plate and high-performance radiatorTo achieve the best results when used with overclocked processors, both Kühler H2O H600 PRO and H1200 PRO are equipped with a large copper base plate that efficiently transfers heat from any AMD or Intel processor to the radiator. For maximum performance, H600 PRO and H1200 PRO feature a precisely constructed radiator with a 0.2 mm fin interval. The dimensions of the radiator are 275 mm x 120 mm x 27 mm for the H1200 and 155 mm x 120 mm x 27 mm for the H600.

H2O 1200
Extremely quiet operation meets tremendous power
Despite their excellent cooling performance, H600 PRO and H1200 PRO operate extremely quiet. This is due to the high-quality blue LED 120 mm fans that can reach up to 2,400 revolutions per minute. In addition, the enclosed pump impeller is near completely silent while delivering a pressure of 2.3 meters of water. The pump achieves this exceptional pressure thanks to the higher rotational speed of the winding type three-phase motor, maximising cooling performance for any PC system. For clean cable management, the pump is powered by a SATA interface.
High build quality for exceptional durability
All components used for the Kühler H2O H600 PRO and H1200 PRO systems impress with their outstanding build quality and durability. The oil-free lubrication graphite bearing has a service life of up to 150,000 hours. The service life of the carbon metal crystalline ceramic axis is also 50 times longer than that of common models. The installation of the compact liquid cooling systems is quick and easy and ensures years of maintenance-free, reliable cooling performance. The liquid used inside the H600 PRO and H1200 PRO systems is safe, eco-friendly and anti-corrosive. Antec grants a five-year warranty on H600 PRO and H1200 PRO. For maximum longevity and upgradability, the radiator fan is exchangeable on both systems providing users the option to use any standard 120 mm aftermarket fans – this allows for any balance between performance and noise levels.
Price (incl. VAT)
H600 PRO: 59,00 Euro
H1200 PRO 88,00 Euro
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