Corsair forlænger garantien

Corsair er så sikre på kvaliteten af deres strømforsyninger, at de forlænger garantien til ti år. Corsair eskalerer sin kamp med EVGA ved at øge garantier på alle dens high-end PSU linjer. Ind til nu er EVGA er den eneste virksomhed der giver 10-års garanti på high-end modeller, og tilsyneladende ønskede Corsair ikke længere at EVGA skulle være de eneste. Måske vil vi snart se andre selskaber følge trop?
Vi har fået denne pressemeddelelse tilsendt.
Power Supplies Built for Reliability and Long Life
FREMONT, CA – April 8th 2016 - Corsair®, the world’s most awarded and recommended PC power supply brand1, today announced the immediate increase in warranty from 7 years to 10 years for several series of Corsair computer power supply ranges. From today all current and future Corsair AXi, HXi, RMi and RMx PSUs will benefit from an additional three years of warranty, with no extra registration or action required by customers.
Corsair’s commitment to PSU quality and longevity has always been at the heart of its entire PSU line-up, and is why millions of customers have chosen Corsair PSUs to power their PCs. This commitment isn’t just made at the manufacturing level – it’s also at the heart of Corsair’s customer support experience, ensuring customers who choose a Corsair PSU have faith and confidence in their purchase for years to come.
It’s that confidence in the durability and longevity of Corsair’s wide range of PSUs that has allowed it to increase the warranty of all AXi range (launched in 2012), HXi range (launched in 2014) and RMi/RMx range (launched in 2015) PSUs from 7 years to 10 years, ensuring buyers a decade of peace of mind for their PC’s power supply.
Customers are not required to register or provide additional information to benefit from this extra coverage. The extended warranty is granted worldwide and across all eligible PSUs sold to date and on all future sales of the eligible PSUs.
With an extra three years of warranty, enthusiasts, system builders and gamers alike can be confident that their Corsair AXi, HXi, RMi or RMx PSU will provide, efficient, stable power well into the next decade and beyond.
Please refer to the qualifying product list below
AXi Series™ PSUs launched with a 7 year warranty. Now have a 10 year warranty.
HXi Series™ PSUs launched with a 7 year warranty. Now have a 10 year warranty.
RMi Series™ PSUs launched with a 7 year warranty. Now have a 10 year warranty.
RMx Series™ PSUs launched with a 7 year warranty. Now have a 10 year warranty.
The warranty of all other Corsair PSUs remains unchanged.
Web Page:
For more up to date warranty information, please visit
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