Radeon Software Crimson

AMD ændrede sidste år navn for deres grafikkortdrivere, som i de sidste 13 år har været kendt som AMD Catalyst.
Den nye software er mere end blot en rebranding. AMD har helt omskrevet flere aspekter af den, herunder er Catalyst Control Center nedlagt og der er kommet en ny app med AMD Radeon indstillinger. Softwaren er i følge AMD meget hurtigere til at blive indlæst og lettere at bruge.
Den nye version 16.4.1 er i følge dem selv op til 35% hurtigere end 16.3.2 udgaven. Derudover er der kommet en del forbedringer og optimeringer til spil som The Division, XCOM 2, Fallout 4, Need for Speed og mange flere.
Der er selvfølgelig også forbedret VR support bla. til Oculus Rift
I forbindelse med den nye software, er der tilsendt en engelsk pressemeddelelse som kan læses herunder.

Just under five months ago, we saw the first fruits of our Radeon Technologies Group (RTG) completely refreshed and renewed software strategy. Radeon Software Crimson was unlike anything you’ve seen from us in the past. The AMD Software Engineering team has been executing on our commitments with determination, providing meaningful driver updates for:
Game optimizations for Ashes of the Singularity™, Rise of the Tomb Raider™, The Division™, XCOM 2, Gears of War Ultimate Edition®, Fallout 4™, Far Cry Primal™, Hitman™, Need for Speed™ and further optimizations on other games already in market
New API and SDK Support (Vulkan™ API, DirectX® 12 Quick Response Queue, AMD LiquidVR™ SDK)
Support of the launch of Oculus Rift™ and HTC Vive™ headsets
External graphics support with XCONNECT
Double digit performance improvements across our Radeon Graphics product line
New Product Support (VR HMDs, AMD XConnect™ technology and AMD Radeon™ Pro Duo)
New Features Introduced for Radeon™ Settings (Per-Game Display Scaling, Language Menu, Two Display Eyefinity, AMD Crossfire™ Status Indicator, Updated Social Links based on Region and Power Efficiency Toggle)

Technology is at its best when it’s invisible, undetectable and unnoticeable. In one word, seamless. We at AMD work very hard to constantly improve the user experience so that PC users can enjoy playing games, watching videos and being productive. The AMD Software Engineering Team also delivered three WHQL certified drivers with numerous customer issues resolved for improved stability and reliability.
As we enter Q2, we introduced Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.4.1 adding day one support for the launch of Quantum Break. The driver as a whole boasts an impressive 35% performance improvement when compared to RSCE 16.3.2 on this title.
Our approach to Radeon Software is best summed up by Andrej Zdravkovic, rejoining AMD (former ATI) as a Corporate VP of Software and Platform Engineering: “Delivering great customer experiences means building feature-rich products that are reliable, high performing, and power efficient. However, being ‘competitive’ is not enough. Only industry-leading products and designs will enable us to establish a winning brand that customers will respect and desire.”
We continue to listen to you, our press and your communities as we strive under new leadership to deliver amazing experiences relying on performance-driven designs and user-oriented functionality that is lightning-fast, looks sharp and works smoothly.

1. Testing conducted by AMD Performance Labs as of March 30, 2016 on the AMD Radeon™ Fury X, on a test system comprising Intel i7 5960X CPU, 16GB DDR4-2666 Mhz system memory, Radeon
Software Crimson Edition driver 16.3.2 and Radeon Software Crimson Edition driver 15.11 and Windows 10 x64 using the game Ashes of Singularity™. PC manufacturers may vary configurations,
yielding different results. At 2560x1440, Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.3.2 scored 41.1 and Radeon Software Crimson Edition 15.11 scored 36.823 on AMD Radeon™ R9 Fury X, which is 11.6%
faster performance. RS-12
2. Testing conducted by AMD Performance Labs as of March 30, 2016 on the AMD Radeon™ Fury X, on a test system comprising Intel i7 5960X CPU, 16GB DDR4-2666 Mhz system memory, Radeon
Software Crimson Edition driver 16.3.2 and Radeon Software Crimson Edition driver 15.11 and Windows 10 x64 using the game The Division™. PC manufacturers may vary configurations, yielding
different results. At 3840x2160, Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.3.2 scored 45.089 and Radeon Software Crimson Edition 15.11 scored 35.563 on AMD Radeon™ R9 Fury X, which is 26.8% faster
performance. RS-17
3. Testing conducted by AMD Performance Labs as of March 30, 2016 on the AMD Radeon™ Fury X, on a test system comprising Intel i7 5960X CPU, 16GB DDR4-2666 Mhz system memory, Radeon
Software Crimson Edition driver 16.3.2 and Radeon Software Crimson Edition driver 15.11 and Windows 10 x64 using the game Hitman™. PC manufacturers may vary configurations, yielding different
results. At 1080p, Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.3.2 scored 116.79 and Radeon Software Crimson Edition 15.11 scored 86.08 on AMD Radeon™ R9 Fury X, which is 35.7% faster performance.
4. Testing conducted by AMD Performance Labs as of March 30, 2016 on the AMD Radeon™ Fury X, on a test system comprising Intel i7 5960X CPU, 16GB DDR4-2666 Mhz system memory, Radeon
Software Crimson Edition driver 16.3.2 and Radeon Software Crimson Edition driver 15.11 and Windows 10 x64 using the game Gears of War Ultimate Edition™. PC manufacturers may vary
configurations, yielding different results. At 3840x2160, Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.3.2 scored 33.83 and Radeon Software Crimson Edition 15.11 scored 21.13 on AMD Radeon™ R9 Fury X,
which is 60.1% faster performance. RS-16
Kilde og billeder: Tilsendt pressemeddelelse fra amd.com