OSVR afslører HDK 2 - High-end VR

Diverse d.  14. juni. 2016, skrevet af cmnielsen 7 Kommentarer.  Vist: 2189 gange.

OSVR afslører HDK 2 – High-end VR

Et nyt og forbedret open source virtal reality (OSVR) headset har gjort sin debut på E3 2016, og det er helt sikkert mere imponerende end dens forgænger.

OSVR er et lovende initiativ, der trådte ind på hardware scenen tidligt sidste år og deres seneste headset tager kampen op mod HTC Vive og Oculus Rift. Selskabet er grundlagt af gaming hardware selskab Razer og VR selskab Sensics, og dette initiativ sigter mod, at oprette en åben standard for virtual reality hardware og software.

Ifølge beskrivelsen på OSVR hjemmeside, har HDK 2 dual-display teknologi med 2,160 x 1200 opløsning - oversat til 1.080 x 1.200 pr. øje - ved 90 fps og det vil maksimere VR dybden i forhold til andre modeller. Sammen med designet optik baseret på brugerdefinerede input, leverer det en klar og levende oplevelse, der vil overraske dig gang på gang.

I forbindelse med udsendelsen af deres headset, har vi fået tilsendt nedenstående pressemeddelelse.

Press Release

The HDK 2 is equipped with custom designed lenses for clearer more vibrant images and a 90hz low-persistence OLED dual-display with a total resolution of 2160x1200. It also includes unique IQE (Image Quality Enhancer) technology for a reduced screen door effect. Capable of displaying VR experiences at 90 frames-per-second, the HDK 2 hardware specifications are comparable to the best virtual reality headsets available now.

Unlike other current generation HMDs, the HDK 2 will be available at $399 and will ship in July. The HDK 1.4 will continue to be available at $299.

“The HDK 2 allows us to meet the needs of VR fans and gamers and provide developers with affordable open-source hardware to innovate with.” Says Christopher Mitchell, OSVR Lead, Razer. “With the HDK 2 being able to deliver a visual experience on par with industry leaders, we will now be able to represent hardware agnostic VR media and games in all their glory for future headsets to adopt through the open source ecosystem.”

“We are on a mission to democratize VR by offering open, affordable, high-performance software and hardware solutions with nearly-universal device and game engine compatibility”, says Yuval Boger, CEO of Sensics and co-founder of OSVR. “Powered by the effort of the core Sensics and Razer engineering teams, participation of OSVR partners and contributions from VR enthusiasts worldwide, we look forward to sharing new and exciting capabilities”.


Demos and new content at E3:

The HDK 2 will be available to demo from Razer’s E3 booth at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Also available for demo at E3 will be the Gloveone motion tracking gloves from Neurodigital Technologies. Upon public release, the gloves will be available as a controller option for the HDK and all OSVR supporting head-mounted displays in the open ecosystem.


  • RedOut by 34BigThings
    • RedOut is the fastest futuristic AG racing game. Rush through the stunning low poly landscapes of a post-apocalyptic Earth at breakneck speed!

  • Theme Park Studio by Pantera Entertainment
    • Theme Park Studio is a powerful suite of tools that allows players to design, build, and experience stunning amusement parks of their own design. 

  • The Hum: Abductions by Totwise Studios
    • The Hum: Abductions is a First Person Horror game inspired by the alien abductions folklore, with strong story, realistic graphics and VR support.

  • Infinite by Project Gateway VR Studios GmbH
    • Infinite is an exploration game to be released in 5 episodes. The game focusses on Riley, searching for a way home after crashing on a foreign planet.

  • A-10 by Futuretown Inc
    • A-10 VR is a VR take on a classic sci-fi gallery shooter. Hone your sharp shooting skills in 3 game modes in this outer space gallery shooter.

And many more.

Both HDKs support a wide range of content technologies including SteamVR and native experiences. Additional content plans will be announced soon.


Comparison Chart:

HDK 2 Specifications


About OSVR:

OSVR™ is the world’s largest open source VR software platform designed to set an open standard for virtual reality input devices, games and output to enable the development of a cohesive VR ecosystem which provides enhanced compatibility and hardware choices to anyone looking to enjoy VR.  Supported by industry leaders, the OSVR framework unites developers and gamers alike under a single platform. Plug in. Play Everything.

For the full list of OSVR supporters go to www.osvr.org

Like OSVR on FB: https://www.facebook.com/OpenSourceVR.

Follow OSVR on Twitter: https://twitter.com/OpenSource_VR .

Kilde og billeder:pressemeddelelse tilsendt fra razerzone.com


14-06-2016 23:00:03
Ser spænde ud, prisen især 🙂

15-06-2016 16:52:57
Hvordan vil VR kunne bruges af os der benytter briller? 😳

15-06-2016 17:22:04
VR virker fint med briller. Har selv brugt Vive. Eneste ulempe er at du ikke kan flytte lisen helt tæt på dine øjne og der kommer derfor lidt kikkert effekt. 😎

15-06-2016 18:24:39
#2 næste gang du skal have nye briller går du til en forhandler der giver 2 for 1 og så tager du dit vr sæt med i butikken og finder et par der er gode sammen med. Ellers kan man måske få linser til dem på et tidspunkt.

15-06-2016 22:29:06
#2 Jeg bruger Vive og briller uden problemer. Når jeg først spiller ligger jeg slet ikke mærke til dem.

16-06-2016 18:31:22
De skriver jo netop "Individual eye focus for personalized use without glasses".

De "Diopters" der nævnes, er små linser du lægger foran displayet, der korrigerer på samme måde som dine briller. FatShark gør det samme i deres video-goggles til FPV-flyvning - det fungerer udmærket.

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af CRKrogh d. 16-06-2016 18:32:11.

16-06-2016 20:30:46
Okay. Tak for info 🙂