DroboPix App

Diverse d.  21. juli. 2016, skrevet af cmnielsen 1 Kommentarer.  Vist: 1674 gange.

DroboPix App

I denne uge lancerede Drobo, en virksomhed, der har specialiseret sig i opbevaringsløsninger, en app til iOS brugere. På grund af Apples manglende mulighed for at udvidde opbevaringspladsen på iPhone og iPad, er mange mennesker ofte ved at løbe tør for lagerplads.  DroboPix app vil hjælpe med dette, ved automatisk at uploade og organisere mobile fotos og videoer til en NAS-enhed.

Mens der er andre cloud storage løsningsudbydere derude til iOS, har nogle af dem filtypebegrænsninger eller abonnementsgebyrer. DroboPix skærer dette væk, ved at fjerne abonnementsafgiften og laver en platform, så man kan uploade sikkert og direkte til sin NAS via WiFi.

Vi har fået en pressemeddelelse og noget yderligere info tilsendt (på engelsk).


The new Drobo App is aimed at iOS users and offers a solution to many of problems that iOS users face today which include:

  •         Lack of local storage capacity
  •         Data loss through device damage
  •         The complexity of using various file type-dependent cloud solutions
  •         Having to remove photos and/or videos to free up space which may lead to data loss
  •         The subscription fee of existing cloud services
  •         The inability to easily share cloud storage as well as photos and videos with friends and family
  •         A fundamental distrust in external cloud solutions due to the 2014 “Photogate” scandal


DroboPix allows iDevice users to:

  •         Automatically upload and backup files on from their iDevices to their Drobo NAS device
  •         Share their files and storage capacity with friends and family with ease
  •         Limit the transfer of files to WiFi-only thereby conserving cellular data
  •         Ensure that their data is protected at all time

·        Do all of this for FREE

Installation in three simple steps:


        Install the apps

  •         Install the DroboPix App via Drobo Dashboard on your computer
  •         Install the DroboPix mobile App via the App Store

  •         Set up a share and folder for where you wish to store your images and videos
  •         Take a picture of the QR code using the DroboPix mobile App

  • Complete the first upload


Supported by Drobo’s 5N and B810n NAS devices

Learn more about Drobo 5N

Learn more about Drobo B810n

Smart storage that grows with you and protects what matters.

Learn more about the Drobo Difference


Drobo Introduces DroboPix – Innovative App That Uploads and Organizes Mobile Photos and Videos


DroboPix expands the myDrobo platform and allows 5N and B810n owners to seamlessly upload photos and videos from their iOS device


SANTA CLARA, CA. – July 19th, 2016DroboTM, the maker of award winning storage solutions for businesses, professionals and consumers, today launched a mobile photo and video upload app, DroboPix, as part of the company's continuing efforts to bring simple, safe and secure solutions to its customers.


DroboPix is part of the myDrobo suite of software applications that makes managing important data effortless. The DroboPix app allows 5N and B810n owners the ability to automatically upload and organize photos and videos seamlessly within their local Wi-Fi network. Using DroboPix is simple. Users walk into their home or office where the app recognizes the network, verified by the geolocation, and new photos and videos are uploaded automatically. The geolocation verification and usage of the user’s Wi-Fi add two layers of security while the transfer over Wi-Fi conserves battery power and cellular data usage.


Customers can access uploaded pictures and videos on their Drobo via NAS shares, from a web browser or directly from a mobile device using DroboAccess, another app available on the myDrobo Platform.


The Growing Storage Needs of Mobile Customers


High-resolution photos and 4K videos consume large amounts of storage and the management of these files becomes complex over time. In addition, cloud backup services can become an expensive proposition beyond a certain threshold and privacy is always a concern.


DroboPix is a key software application that enhances the functionality of a Drobo NAS device and provides a cloud-like experience, while fulfilling the security concerns all mobile customers have.

Once the images are safely stored on a Drobo, the unprecedented flexibility, data protection and expandability of the solution speaks for itself.


“DroboPix is the latest app in the myDrobo suite that continues our commitment to simplicity through innovation of our storage solutions,” said Mihir Shah, CEO of Drobo. “Our focus as a company is to make our customers more productive by saving them time. Managing pictures and videos can be complex and time consuming, especially on a mobile device, so we wanted to make it as simple as possible.”


Drobo Continues to Focus on Customer Experience and Requirements


Today’s high paced world needs storage solutions that evolve with customer needs. It’s also important that those solutions ensure that a user’s data is safe from unauthorized access, secure from drive failure, and is simple for all users to use. The myDrobo suite of software applications creates a storage solution that keep pace with user requirements and extends the functionality of Drobo NAS devices.




DroboPix is currently available for free to 5N and B810n owners on the Drobo Dashboard. The iOS application is now available in the App Store. Learn more about DroboPix and the myDrobo suite of applications at www.drobo.com/mydrobo-platform/.


Kilde og billeder: PR tilsendt af 360serviceagency.com

23-07-2016 08:08:00
Hvis man allerede har en selvbyg nas, så er owncloud og pydio glimrende alternativer. Pydio er bedre end owncloud, hvis man har rigtig mange filer