Spændende nyt kabinet fra Thermaltake

Kabinetter d.  29. november. 2016, skrevet af cmnielsen 5 Kommentarer.  Vist: 3740 gange.

Spændende nyt kabinet fra Thermaltake

Thermaltake har officielt lanceret sin første TT Premium modder edition kabinet serie. Dette betyder et gennembrud i casemod markedet, og Thermaltake leverer fremragende håndværk, gode materialer og spændende design. Tower 900-serien er udstyret med et lodret monterings design, med høj kvalitets 5mm tykke hærdet glaspaneler og uovertruffen fremvisnings muligheder for vandkølede systemer. Designet er blevet til i samarbejde med Watermod Frankrig

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Thermaltake New The Tower 900 E-ATX Vertical Super Tower Chassis Series

Design collaboration with Watermod France

CaseMod Craftsmanship & Innovation Excellence


Taipei, Taiwan-November 25th 2016- Thermaltake, a leading brand in the Case MOD market, with Watermod France today officially launched its first TT Premium modder edition chassis series – The Tower 900 E-ATX Vertical Super Tower Chassis and The Tower 900 Snow Edition E-ATX Vertical Super Tower Chassis. This collaboration signifies a breakthrough in the casemod market, and Thermaltake delivers with excellent craftsmanship, materials, and design innovation. The Tower 900 series features a vertical mounting design, high quality 5mm thick tempered glass panels, and unrivaled expansion capabilities for massive custom liquid cooling systems. Designed in collaboration with Watermod France, The Tower 900 series represents Thermaltake’s passion for innovation, the spirit of Watermod France, and our vision to provide enthusiasts more chassis designs to build in a new era of modding culture.


Thermaltake and Watermod Deliver CaseMod Craftsmanship & Innovation Excellence

Commenting on the design collaboration, Mathieu Heredia, creator of The Tower and co-founder of Watermod France noted, “Every time I mod, I try to do something different from my other friends and modders. Especially when I was invited to the 2015 Thermaltake CaseMOD Invitational Season 2, I completely rethought the Core X9 and wanted to build something with a unique design but fully functional. The end result was The Tower. I would have never imagined that Thermaltake really understood the same spirit of this project and decided to mass produce it. I want to say it came as a shock, and for that I thank Thermaltake again. I hope that this design collaboration will be a great success!”

“At Thermaltake, we have positioned ourselves as a key player in the Casemod market. We are always on the lookout for modding enthusiasts whose spirit is consistent with our own company values. Hence, we created a way that has never existed before to build a relationship with this community,” said Kenny Lin, President and CEO of Thermaltake. “It is a great honor for us to announce our strategic cooperation with Mathieu and Watermod France. We complement each other. We share the same values and we believe with Excellent Quality, Unique Design, Diverse Combinations and Boundless Creativity, we can provide a high performance PC product for every enthusiast.


The Tower 900 Series will be available for online ordering at TT Premium (http://ttpremium.com/) in mid-December 2016, and will be widely available starting in early January 2017.

Where to Buy:

  • TT Premium

The Tower 900 – http://ttpremium.com/product/the-tower-900/   

The Tower 900 Snow Edition – http://ttpremium.com/product/the-tower-900-snow-edition/

  • USA-Amazon  

The Tower 900 – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N1GP2GZ   

The Tower 900 Snow Edition – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MTOVX8D

  • USA-Newegg

The Tower 900 –


The Tower 900 Snow Edition –





TT Premium-Number One Stop for CaseMods and Liquid Cooling Systems

To continue achieving the corporate mission of delivering the perfect user experience, Thermaltake developed “TT Premium” (http://ttpremium.com/) with the essence of combining supreme quality products with a new logo design. TT Premium is far more than just a guarantee of quality. Behind the name, it represents the passion in DIY, Modding and Thermaltake’s desire to be the most innovative brand in the PC hardware market. To satisfy the demand of the high-end PC users, TT Premium follows its core values of Excellent Quality, Unique Design, Diverse Combinations and Boundless Creativity to provide a high performance PC product for every enthusiast.

Features of Thermaltake The Tower 900 E-ATX Vertical Super Tower Chassis Series:

Design Collaboration by Thermaltake and Watermod France

In collaboration with Watermod France, The Tower 900 reflects the passion for creating a new angle of chassis design. Inspiring the concept of vertical mounting, surrounded in durable tempered glass, The Tower 900 expands our vision to create a new era in modding culture, globally.


5mm Thick Tempered Glass Window with Stunning View

The Tower 900 delivers the ultimate experience in PC hardware viewing by taking presentation to the next level. It is the first close frame chassis but designed with an open view among Thermaltake’s case category. The large tempered glass panels feature 5mm thickness, and serve to simultaneously protect and showcase all components in the build. The Tower 900 is the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics!


Welcome to the Showcase

The entire design of the Tower 900 showcases its system presentation to enthusiast looking for a streamlined presentation. Unlike most cases on the market, The Tower 900 eliminates the issue with “GPU SAG” allowing vertical mounting of multi-GPU configurations on an E-ATX platform. Constructed with a chamber concept design, isolation of high capacity radiators allows additional interior space without compromising on maximum cooling performance. Capable of supporting dual-loop liquid cooling systems with modular capabilities allowing endless configurations, take on The Tower for your next showcase.


DMD – Dismantlable Modular Design

The Tower 900 enables user to freely build the system from the ground up with given modular panels, racks, brackets, and pre-design mounting arrays. No more unreachable screw corners or gaps and enjoys installation in a breeze with the Dismantlable Modular Design.


Superior Expansion

Designed for high-end gaming system compatibility, the Tower 900 supports motherboards up to standard E-ATX, tower CPU coolers with a maximum height of 260mm, and multi-GPU configurations, vertically mounted, up to 400mm in length. Further, a “1+6+2” modular drive bay design allow users to easily install up to one 5.25”, six 2.5”/3.5” (with HDD cage) and two 2.5” (with HDD tray) storage devices. The removable drive device racks give users plenty of flexibility to gain maximum interior space needed for maximum cooling performance and proper cable management improving overall case ventilation.


Unparalleled Cooling Ability

The Tower 900 has the capability to deliver excellent cooling efficiency, and enables users to build extreme air/liquid cooling systems with high-end, large graphics cards, treated by DIY/AIO liquid-cooling systems and air-cooling units. Supporting up to dual 560mm liquid cooling radiators, cooling possibilities just got real. Most uniquely, the right side and left side of the case are designed with various mounting points for radiators to provide proper space and placement when building DIY/AIO configurations.


Exclusively “Tt LCS Certified”

Tt LCS Certified is a Thermaltake exclusive certification applied to only products that pass the design and hardcore enthusiasts standards that a true LCS chassis should be held to. The Tt LCS certification was created so that we at Thermaltake can designate to all power users which chassis have been tested to be best compatible with extreme liquid cooling configurations to ensure you get the best performance from the best features and fitment.


For more details on Thermaltake The Tower 900 E-ATX Vertical Super Tower Chassis Series please visit:

The Tower 900 – http://www.thermaltake.com/products-model.aspx?id=C_00002974      

The Tower 900 Snow Edition – http://www.thermaltake.com/products-model.aspx?id=C_00002975    

Kilde og billeder: tilsendt PR fra thermaltake.com.tw

30-11-2016 21:24:12
De burde ikke blive givet noget som helst opmærksomhed.

30-11-2016 21:29:20
Gad vide hvem de så har stjålet designet fra den her gang? 🤣

03-12-2016 08:54:22
Det er alligevel super fedt, at ser er plads til to 560mm radiatorer. Var deg ikke fordi jeg allerede havde mit kabinet med tre 480mm radiatorer, så var det her kabinet helt klart fristende 🙂

03-12-2016 09:50:15
Kan virkelig ikke se det fede i det kabinet. Men det er nok bare mig, der mere er til æstetisk flotte ting :D

En ting er den "ubrugelige" plads til kæmpe radiatorer. Så er der bare alt for meget overflødig plads i dette kabinet. Hvilket jeg kun kan se som manglende teknisk indsigt fra designerens side.
Men det er vel bare Thermaltake der IGEN misforstår deres egen målgruppe.


Enig, jeg er som "modder" mange gange blevet kontaktet af dette firma. Det kommer ALDRIG til at ske, at jeg laver noget for at promovere dem.


Det er faktisk ikke stjålet(utroligt nok), men ikke noget de selv har fundet på, det er baseret på et build af casemodderen Mathieu Heredia.

Erfaren rotte
13-12-2016 08:10:22
Er jeg den eneste der husker det gamle ThermalTake Mozart TX kabinet?

Det er jo ikke første gang de har lavet et kabinet som dette. De prøver bare at gøre Mozart TX kabinettet moderne igen! Jeg var en af de (u)heldige der nåede at eje det kabinet. Det var forfærdeligt, men så jo anderledes ud!

Kæft det er grimt :P