Stor softwareopdatering fra AMD

Software d.  08. december. 2016, skrevet af cmnielsen 10 Kommentarer.  Vist: 3373 gange.

Stor softwareopdatering fra AMD

Som tidligere lovet (tilbage i 2015) har AMD i dag lanceret en ny og stærkt forbedret udgave af deres Crimsom software. Den har fået navnet Radeon Software Crimson ReLive. Den nye driver har fået masser af fejlrettelser, samt en ydelsesforbedring på op til otte procent af kort som RX 480, og nye strømbesparende teknologier.

Desuden er de grundlæggende teknologier for deres Radeon Pro udgave blevet ens med forbrugerudgaven. Det betyder, at uanset om du bruger en normal Radeon GPU på en bærbar computer eller du er en Radeon Pro bruger der at skaber 3D-modeller på en stationær PC, så er det den samme gratis driver der bruges.

Vi har fået nedenstående pressemeddelelse tilsendt i forbindelse med lanceringen: (På engelsk)

Seize the Moment and ReLive it: AMD Introduces Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition

—AMD’s most comprehensive software update unleashes powerful capabilities that enable
users to play, create, share and work like never before —

SUNNYVALE, Calif. — Dec. 8, 2016 — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today unveiled the next
generation of its advanced software suite for Radeon™ graphics that delivers innovative new
features, high-performance gaming and professional-grade stability to meet the evolving needs
of consumers, professionals and developers.

With more than 400 million people worldwide playing on Radeon™ graphics1, AMD is firmly
committed to delivering superior performance and forward-thinking new features for gamers.
Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition focuses on the features gamers demand most,
enabling power efficient gameplay with Radeon Chill and seamless in-game screen capture and
streaming with Radeon ReLive.

For designers, content creators, and game developers, Radeon Pro Software Crimson
ReLive Edition delivers outstanding productivity and stability with up to 30 percent performance
improvements in key applications2 and undergoing twice the OEM platform testing, three times
more ISV certification testing and 1.5 times more stress testing than the previous AMD
professional graphics driver.3

Building on the success of last year’s completely redesigned and supercharged Radeon
Software Crimson Edition, which received the highest user satisfaction rating of any AMD
software ever, Radeon Software Crimson ReLive continues AMD’s dedication to world-class
software support for Radeon™ GPUs.

“With Radeon Software, we’ve continued to set the highest standards by delivering the most
complete and reliable software stack for gamers and creators, and one of the most communitylauded user interfaces,” said Raja Koduri, senior vice president and chief architect, Radeon Technologies Group. “Crimson ReLive Edition lets gamers share their biggest gaming victories,
and gives creators free open source tools and rock solid stability.”


Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition

Radeon ReLive: With Radeon ReLive, gamers can “relive” their gameplay by capturing,
streaming, and sharing recorded gaming sessions. Highly efficient with minimal impact
to gameplay, Radeon ReLive enables seamless playback of ReLive recordings via an
easily accessible in-game toolbar, and offers quick and convenient customizable
settings, custom scene layouts, and more. With Radeon ReLive, gamers now have a
way to capture gaming highlights, and share their gaming exploits and conquests with
online friends and competitors – all integrated within Radeon Software

Radeon Chill: Radeon Chill is a power-efficient framerate controller for Radeon™
graphics that dynamically regulates framerate based on the speed of the mouse
movements. Radeon Chill builds on a feature originally developed by HiAlgo and is
designed to reduce system power consumption while maintaining an excellent end-user
gaming experience, enabling smooth gameplay without noticeable impact to
performance while maintaining a cooler and quieter system

AMD LiquidVR™ Technology: Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition leverages
AMD’s seamlessly efficient and forward-looking LiquidVR™ technology on VR-capable
hardware to deliver the latest graphics technologies and advancements for incredibly
realistic VR experiences with MultiView and MultiRes rendering and Asynchronous
Space Warp for Oculus Rift

Enhanced Radeon FreeSync™: Radeon FreeSync™ technology enables seamless
communication between the compatible display and the graphics card for naturally
smooth gameplay, with a full-screen borderless windowed mode that enables effortless
switching between applications. FreeSync’s gradual refresh ramp enables a smooth
increase or decrease in display frames per second, providing an even smoother enduser experience4

Stability: Delivering on its commitment to rock-solid reliability, Radeon Software
Crimson ReLive Edition sets new standards for Radeon™ graphics software stability and
a consistent user experience through rigorous testing and continuous improvement

Radeon Pro Software Crimson ReLive Edition
Unleash your creativity: Radeon Pro Software Crimson ReLive Edition is AMD’s
powerful and reliable professional graphics software, enabling high-performance
productivity and outstanding stability for designers, content creators, and game

Professional-grade certifications and stability: Rigorously-tested for stability,
comprehensive certification, and world-class user satisfaction, Radeon Pro Software
ReLive Edition is optimized for numerous industry-leading ISV applications for media
and entertainment, engineering and design, geographical information systems, life
sciences, oil and gas industries, and others. Support for cutting-edge APIs including
DirectX®12 and Vulkan™ is crucial for today’s content creators and game developers,
and Radeon™ Pro and AMD FirePro™ GPUs are ready for the latest applications.
Radeon Pro Software Crimson ReLive Edition’s API support helps avoid disrupting
workflow stability and productivity when upgrading to real-time game engines and
content creation tools that support new low-level APIs

Radeon Software Pro ReLive: Radeon Software Pro ReLive edition enables capturing
and recording professional workflows within CAD/engineering applications, visualization
and prototyping software, content-creation tools for collaboration, presentation, training
and customer support, and more. Free, and seamlessly integrated within Radeon Pro
Settings, Radeon ReLive enables full control of its video capture parameters, including
customizable recording quality at up to 4K resolution

Expanding Linux® support: AMD’s ongoing commitment and support for open-source
technologies and tools means Radeon Pro Software Crimson ReLive Edition now
supports the AMD GPU-PRO hybrid Linux driver. This new Linux driver combines the
best of both worlds — an open-source core and Radeon™ Pro technologies and

Radeon ProRender: Radeon ProRender is a powerful physically-based rendering
engine that helps creative professionals produce stunningly photorealistic images, with
native application integration for Blender and Maxon’s Cinema 4D expected in 2017

Radeon Loom: Radeon Loom software overcomes formidable technology challenges
with the processing-intensive video stitching process that is vital to creating cinematic
360-degree video experiences in VR. Built upon the Khronos OpenVX™ computer vision
framework as implemented by AMD, the professional-grade Radeon Loom software
stitches output from up to 24 cameras live in real-time and up to 31 cameras offline

Powering performance and efficiency: Enhancing the latest Radeon™ Pro WX Series
professional GPUs and AMD FirePro™ graphics, Radeon Pro Software Crimson ReLive
Edition enables new levels of performance and efficiency to fuel your creativity
With its latest software release, AMD expands its commitment to open-source technologies
through its GPUOpen initiative, strengthening the growing open-source developer community.
Radeon Software Crimson ReLive edition empowers developers through open source to
revolutionize the way games, content and applications are created, implementing detailoriented, advanced features that redefine visual quality.

Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition and Radeon Pro Software Crimson ReLive Edition are free and available for download today



1. According a Jon Peddie Research report, the Balance of Power in Gaming. Total includes all x86-based gaming machines.

2. Up to 30% faster performance using 16.50 and Catia on AMD FirePro™ W7100 than with 14.502.1019. Testing conducted by AMD
Performance Labs as of November 7th, 2016 on a test system comprising of Intel E5-1650 v3 3.50GHz, 16GB RAM, Win7 64-bit SP1, AMD
FirePro™ W7100, software drivers 16.50 and 14.502.1019 for SPECviewperf benchmark. Benchmark Application: SPECviewperf 12.1 under
official run. Subtest: catia-04. FirePro W7100 (with 16.50) score: 74.48. FirePro W7100 (with 14.502.1019) score: 57.33. Performance
Differential: 74.48/57.33 = ~29.9% higher score on FirePro W7100 with 16.50. PC manufacturers may vary configurations, yielding different
results. Performance may vary based on use of latest drivers. SPEC
® and the benchmark name SPECviewperf® are registered trademarks
of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. For more information about SPECviewperf, see FS-6

3. AMD internal data, testing of Radeon Pro 16.Q4 Enterprise Driver compared to FirePro™ 14.502.1019 driver.

4. See for more information.

Kilde: Tilsendt pressemeddelelse fra
Billeder (flere kan ses samme sted):




08-12-2016 20:43:35
Er det den som har indbygget alle benchmarks snyderi programmerne 🤣

samme drivres pakke til flere af deres produkter er dog nice for Os der arbejder med mange forskellige maskiner

08-12-2016 21:43:59
lol deres soejlediagrammer fuskerier 🤣

30% foroegelse er ca 100% stoerre end basis 100% linien...
~172 pixels for basis 100% men 344pixels for 130%

18% foroegelse er vsit med en soelje der er ca 60% stoere
~172 pixels for basis 100% men ~276 pixels dor 118%

17% foroegelse er vsit med 57% foroegelse
~172 pixels for basis 100% men 270pixels for 117%

jo jo marketings fusk skal der da til... 😕

Svaret blev redigeret 2 gange, sidst af Sven Bent d. 08-12-2016 21:57:38.

Senior Skribent
09-12-2016 00:18:05
Nice har installeret den og det er da også rart at se en ting som Chill som skulle holde GPU'en mere kold. Har ikke efterprøvet det endnu men teorien er da meget rimelig. 🙂

09-12-2016 10:08:44

Du kan jo læse en nærmere og grundig gennemgang af hele pakken her, bare ffor at andre ikke skal få forudfattede meninger.

09-12-2016 15:29:39
At kalde det fusk er vidst lidt en overdrivelse. Det er er nok nærmere optisk "bedrag" og så mangler de at angive hvor mange % bundlinien i udsnittet er.
Omvendt, så er det dælme også tilladt for folk at bruge bare en smule logisk sans... 🤡

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Nesdunk d. 09-12-2016 15:29:56.

09-12-2016 16:11:35
hvem siger jeg ikke har laest det igenne, ?

Det er intet andet formaal med den slags ting end at narre folk til at tror noget er mere end det er.
At "saelge" et produkt/service paa mere end det er er i mine ojne bestemet fuskeri.

Det eneste formaal er at misinformere folk.

09-12-2016 16:19:05
En anden lille sjov ting

Fixed Issues

Unable to launch the Problem Report Wizard from CCCSlim in Radeon Settings.
Radeon WattMan Power Limit setting may not retain after hitting apply when Auto Temperature is enabled.
DOTAT may experience flickering in some hero and effect models when running the application in Fullscreen.
Pixel Format options may not appear in Radeon Settings on some 4K TV's with Radeon RX 480.
The DivisionT may experience flicker during gameplay when using AMD Multi GPU configurations.
The DivisionT may experience an application freeze or hang when running in AMD Multi GPU configurations after extended periods of play.
Game quality or performance may be degraded when launching multimedia content on a secondary display before running a game.
CIM folder retains under program files even after complete driver uninstallation.
Radeon Settings may experience an intermittent crash when accessing Radeon WattMan.
Display tab with virtual super resolution may be removed or missing in Radeon Settings.
The Radeon WattMan feature may intermittently display a Radeon Software popup error regarding Radeon WattMan for non-supported products.
Random crashes may be experienced on Mozilla Firefox.
DirectX®12 content may be unable to launch on some older CPUs that do not support popcnt instruction.
Intermittent Mouse Cursor corruption may be experienced on Radeon RX 480.

Known Issues

AMD FreeSyncT technology may experience performance issues with Borderless Fullscreen application support when a secondary display is attached and has dynamic content running such as video playback in a web browser or if other applications or game launchers are running on the primary screen in the background. A workaround if this issue is experienced is to minimize all other running applications that are on the primary desktop display or on non-primary extended displays.
Counter-StrikeT: Global Offensive and World of WarcraftT may experience flickering or performance issues the first time the game is launched on a system boot with AMD FreeSyncT technology enabled. Workarounds include exiting and restarting the application or task switching (alt+tab) in and out of the game to fix the issue.
AMD Multi GPU configurations may experience a system hang or reboot during install when using tiled MST 4K or 5K displays.
TitanfallT2 may experience black square corruption in game menus or during game play on some Graphics Core Next products.
FIFA 17T may experience an application hang or black screen on launch for some select Hybrid Graphics or AMD PowerXpress mobile configurations.

Known Issues for Radeon ReLive

The XBOXT DVR application may cause conflicts with Radeon ReLive, users are suggested to disable XBOXT DVR if Radeon ReLive is experiencing issues.
Radeon ReLive may fail to install on AMD APU Family products or experience a system hang or failure to record when using the recording feature on AMD APU Family products.
Radeon ReLive may experience recording issues or issues toggling the Overlay/Toolbar when Frame Rate Target Control is enabled. Users are suggested to disable Frame Rate Target Control when using Radeon ReLive.
BattlefieldT1 may experience UI flickering and/or performance drops when recording gameplay with Radeon ReLive on graphics products with 4GB or less of VRAM.
DOTAT2 may experience game corruption when performing a task switch while recording with Radeon ReLive in AMD Multi GPU configurations.
Radeon ReLive recordings may experience flicker when creating a single recording for many hours.
Radeon ReLive may experience minor graphical corruption for the first few recorded frames when launching UWP applications.
In AMD Multi GPU configurations the secondary graphics product will exit BACO when Radeon ReLive is enabled.
Radeon ReLive will not allow recording settings to change with Instant Replay enabled. A workaround is to disable Instant Replay and change settings then enable Instant Replay.
Radeon ReLive Overlay/Toolbar will not launch or Record when running League of LegendsT in Administrator Mode and Windowed Borderless Fullscreen. A work around would be to not use administrator launch privileges or to use Fullscreen mode.
Mouse cursor may stutter in recorded video when there is limited on screen activity outside of minor mouse movement.
VulkanT applications may experience a game hang when using Radeon ReLive to record.
Radeon ReLive will not notify an end user of low disk space during recording.

Der er flere fejl end der er fixes i denne update.

Dermed ikke sagt det er daarligt at opgrader til denne udgave da mange af de fixes ligesaagodt kan vare til stedet i de aeldre software saa det er ikke noedvendigivs "nye" fejl man far ved at opgradere

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Sven Bent d. 09-12-2016 16:21:22.

16-12-2016 09:42:27
Kan jeg bruge denne til mit 5670?

Senior Skribent
16-12-2016 11:01:17

Ikke ifølge AMD's support liste 🙂

17-12-2016 23:30:10
Nu har jeg kørt med det et par dage nu og syns sku der er kommet lidt mere power for the money

For tiden spiiler jeg Devision og Ark og begge spil køre noget beder ind den gamle driver.

Dog har jeg et underlidt problem med min Xfire jeg er nødt til være gang windows har genstartet at slukke crossfire og aktivere den igen for at det virker 😐 gik fra 2900 til 18504 i 3dmark firestrik så i alt 2-300 piont mere der.

Dog har jeg ikke prøvet Chill i nu