Calyos lancerer nyt Kickstarter projekt med blæserfri PC
Belgiske Calyos har sendt os en pressemeddelelse omkring lanceringen af deres nye blæserløse PC system.
Kabinettet sælges både i tom udgave til dem der vil samle deres eget system, eller som komplet samlet PC (i konfigurationer helt op til i7 7700K med 1080Ti !) i samarbejde med Seasonic, MSI og Franske 2CRSI i et Kickstarter projekt, der løber 30 dage fra den 29. marts 2017.
Den fulde pressemeddelelse kan læses herunder:
Jumet, Belgium - Belgian cooling manufacturer Calyos is proud to announce the launch of a Kickstarter campaign to market its latest innovation: a PC case integrating a fanless cooling for high-end electronics.
Facing a huge market enthusiasm since a Youtube video (LinusTechTips) has been presenting company’s first fanless workstation demonstrator, Calyos decided to introduce its latest fanless product on Kickstarter.
Originally focusing on the datacenter market, Calyos recently entered the PC market with its revolutionary fanless cooling technology offering the possibility to cool high performing Gaming PC and Workstation. Thus, Calyos is positioning itself as a cooling solution provider for case and PC manufacturers in addition to its datacenter activities.
Alongside several contacts initiated with international manufacturers to make a common product integrating Calyos innovative technology, numerous impatient end-users are requesting product availability and purchasing possibilities. So, Kickstarter has been identified as an ideal platform for Calyos to answer users demand.
Campaign details
Through Kickstarter, Calyos will offer the possibility to purchase either an empty fanless case or a fully integrated fanless PC. This product already benefits from a strong awareness as it has been awarded at CES 2017 in two categories and reviewed by several international medias.

For this campaign, Calyos is partnering with MSI and Seasonic, two international market leaders in electronics components and power supply. Electronic assembly will be done by a French integrator, 2CRSI. The official launch of the campaign will be 29th March 2017 at 4PM (CET) and will last 30 days. Discounted prices will be offered to the first 300 orders.
To know more about this project, please visit our website ( or contact Calyos via
Kickstarter Project: Link