Sudhian undersøger hvad der ligger bag en Dothan CPU.
Intel har ramt et nyt markede med denne CPU som vi alle efterhånden ved fungerer ret så fantastisk ved lave clock hastigheder.
If you're an Intel enthusiast, the last eleven and a half months haven't been especially bright, especially when compared to the heady days of 2002 and 2003, when Northwood hadn't met a clockspeed it didn't like, and Canterwood could do no wrong. The retail market's pre-launch anticipation of what was widely seen as Pentium 4's pre-emptive strike against the Athlon 64 was badly deflated by the higher temperatures, decreased efficiency, and mediocre scaling Prescott actually delivered.... Its easy to see why consumers turned off by Prescott's thermal signature and power requirements might be attracted to the ultra-cool, low-wattage Dothan - but does Intel's mobile processor have what it takes to compete on the desktop market?