Duel: ATi HyperMemory & nVidia TurboCache.
Både ATi og nVidia har udviklet teknologier til brug på budget-end grafikkort af PCI-Express typen.
HyperMemory & TurboCache teknologierne beskrives nærmere i artiklen.
De 3 testede kort i det prisbillige segment som gør brug af teknologierne er: ATi X300SE 128MB, Aopen GeForce 6200 128MB og Aopen GeForce 6200 256MB.
I de fleste af de kørte tests vinder ATi kortet over nVidia kortene.
As a technology journalist and as an enthusiast, when it comes to graphics, the hign end market is where it?s at. Like the latest cars, the faster and more heavily featured the better. However, as you?ve probably noticed, there are more Vauxhall Astras, than there are Ferraris on the road. The meat and potatoes of the huge graphics market is all about cheap and affordable solutions. The fact that Intel, with its integrated solutions is the number one vendor in the market tells you all you need to know.
However, as users become more educated, integrated graphics on the desktop has become less appealing. This has created a space in the market for low end but branded graphics cards and this is where ATI?s HyperMemory and nVidia?s TurboCache technology come in. The idea behind the technologies is that the graphics processor shares system memory with a small amount of local on-board memory, dramatically reducing costs. The ATI card comes in two flavours ? one with 32MB of local memory that's able to scale up to 128MB with system memory and another with 128MB of local memory that can scale to 256MB. nVidia?s TurboCache meanwhile has three versions ? a 16 and 32MB version that scales to 128MB with system memory, and a 64MB that goes to 256MB. http://www.trustedreviews.com/article.aspx?head=15&page=2955