Guru3D.com har fået fat i et af de nye sapphire-kort med 512MB ram på. Ydelsen er en bladet fornøjelse, generelt giver det ikke noget ekstra med de mange megabytes ekstra, men i enkelte tilfælde bider kortet fra sig, og efterlader bl.a. X850XT i støvet.
"Guru3D will be focusing this article on where we can actually see the difference, and that's purely for the enthusiast gamers right now. A resolution of 1600x1200 or higher with features enabled like six levels of antialiasing and 16 levels of anisotropic filtering is where you'll notice the difference. In the end you need to decide whether or not it's worth to invest in such a large framebuffer in this point of time." Læs resten hos Guru3D: