1A-Cooling Blacklord 240 vandkølingskit.
Xtremeresources.com tester dette tyske high-end vandkølingskit, der som noget særligt har en "Radiator stand" som radiatoren monteres i.
Her er hvad xtremeresources.com konkluderer om vandkølingssættet:
Final words and conclusion
A conclusion is always the hardest part of a review. You have to think of all the positive points of a product but all the negative ones. In addition, you also have to scale them and see which are more important and which are not. The current kit has a lot of what it takes to keep an end user happy, but can it suit them all? So now I will stop chatting away and sum up the 1A-Cooling BlackLord 240:
* Good manufacturing quality
* Great performance as a kit
* Good quality PVC tubing
* Suction feet used on the Pumpstation help reduces vibrations but also keeps the Pumpstation from moving around.
* Universal high performance water-blocks; if they don?t fit everything already, you only need the mounting kit.
* Innovative SLI Northbridge water-block; it can fit beneath all VGA cards.
* Good quality and well designed high performance radiator.
* Price; they are not the least expensive parts around
* Manuals currently only in German
* Limited availability http://www.xtremeresources.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=82