"The Asus P5WD2-E Premium is a very good solution for the Intel Enthusiast looking for a well designed and manufactured board with numerous options. The ability to fully utilize up to three PCI based cards is definitely a plus as the current market for PCI-E based peripherals is minimal. The performance of the board was outstanding in all testing phases and stability, while very good overall, could be improved with BIOS updates."
Er ordene som Asus's nye P5WD2-E Premium Bundkort får med på vejen. Kortet viser gode takter når det kommer til overclocking: 375fsb x 12 (4505MHz) hvilket er en forøgelse på 41% med en Pentium D 955EE. Kortet skulle understøtte ATI CrossFire, dog har Anandtech ikke prøvet med to X1800 kort, da de mangler et mastercard, men de har prøvet med to X850 kort og der var ingen problemer.
"The board fully supports ATI CrossFire mode in our internal testing. We are still waiting on the X1800XT MasterCard to arrive for further CrossFire testing, but we did not notice any issues with the X850XT CrossFire solution and 5.13 driver set." http://www.anandtech.com/mb/showdoc.aspx?i=2671