W1zzard fra Techpowerup.com har været så venlig at svare på spørgsmål fra vores community.
W1zzard står bag succesfulde programmer som ATITOOL og SysTool, der kan bruges til OC af grafikkort og tweak programmet SysTool som udover OC af FSB også har inkluderet memory timmings og alt det man har brug for.
Nu har jeg i et stykke tid skrevet sammen med W1zzard fra TechPowerUp.com . Han indvilligede i at svarer på nogle spørgsmål.
Da jeg ikke selv havde nok erfaring med programmet spurgte jeg community'et her på siden, og nogle af spørgsmålene stammer derfor fra tråden:"Fantastisk Chance for at stille spørgsmål til W1zzard Techpowerup.com"
Og nu vil jeg så bringe de svar til spørgsmålene som jeg lovede i starten af tråden.
Hardware-test.dk/oc, Boomer:
How did you come up with the stress test the ATITOOL uses?
While playing around with the DirectX SDK I noticed that some demos where showing more artifacts than other ones. So in a first step I isolated what kind of rendering generated most artifacts. The next step was to come up with a way to detect differences in the render.
Hardware-test.dk/oc, Boomer:
Are you going to make a version specifically for nVidia-cards, and are you going to implement background temperature monitoring into the program?
No. The 0.25 Betas of ATITool support monitoring and overclocking of NVIDIA videocards already.
Hardware-test.dk/oc, Boomer:
Is there any chance that systool CPU stability test could be as stability-confirming as Prime95 in the near future ?
This is very hard to accomplish. I am trying to improve the calculation but I'm pretty happy with what it does right now - give a good idea of a maximum OC, use Prime95 for the fine-tuning. Also I suggest playing with the calculation size parameter. 512K and 1M might be good for quickly finding a crash point. 4M and 8M are better for stability testing because they are more intensive, but ramp up the clocks slower.
Hardware-test.dk/oc, Boomer:
Will you be adding a tempguard so that the PC shouts down when a certain tempeture is reached.
This has been requested a couple of times but I never got around to add it. I'll bump this higher in priority on the todo list.
Hardware-test.dk/oc, Boomer:
Have you thought of renaming ATI Tool to something that will make interest for people with Nvidia cards, since the tool actually works with Nvidia cards? Such as GFX Tool?
Yes I did. But the ATITool brand name is just so well-known I'm not sure if it's a good idea. Also I'm not good when it comes to thinking up names. I'm open to suggestions though.
Hardware-test.dk/oc, Boomer:
Have you thought of adding tweaks to the program, just like ATI Tray Tools have?
These have been added as of Beta 13. For example Level of Detail. More will be added as users request them.
Hardware-test.dk/oc, Boomer:
That is all i have, i want to say thank you on behalf of all the people in www.hardware-test.dk/oc's community for participating !
Best Regards Frederik Skovgaard aka. Boomer.
Thanks you for helping the users getting their questions to me!
Det var så det for denne gang i er meget velkomne til at skrive kommentarer og feedback, da dette er mit først OC relaterede interview. Tak til alle dem der skrev nogle gode spørgsmål i tråden.