To GTX550Ti kører rigtig godt sammen, og vi kan se at SLi teknologien virkelig har udviklet sig, og i flere tests har vi set at det har givet næsten dobbelt ydelse med to kort fremfor et. Der var SLi understøttelse i alle spil og programmer brugt i denne test, og alle nyere spil bliver lavet med SLi understøttelse. Hvis spillet ikke understøtter SLi, så er der meget stor chance for at et enkelt kort kan klare det.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
SLi teknologien er kommet rigtig langt, og vi ser næsten dobbelt ydelse nogle steder. Dette kræver dog at spillet der skal spilles, også understøtter det. Ydermere har kortet de seneste teknologier som DirectX 11, OpenCL, CUDA, PhysX og DirectCompute 5.0
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Der er hvad man kan forvente at følge med et grafikkort. En DVI-VGA adapter, en strømadapter, en driver CD og en prøvetid på Starcraft 2.
Design/Layout - 4
Her får kortet 4. Køleren holder kortet godt kold i et SLi setup, og blæserne larmer ikke ret meget under fuld load. Der er kun et PCI-e strømstik der skal sættes til, hvilket giver 2 i det hele. De fleste strømforsyninger der kan levere nok strøm til to af disse kort har også 2 PCI-e strømstik.
Software/BIOS - 3
Softwaren (driveren) der fulgte med fungerede upåklageligt og skal derfor have 3.
Ydelse - 4
Ydelsen på 2 af disse kort er rigtig god. De 2 kort overhaler HD6950 i næsten hver kategori, hvilket er ret imponerende.
Pris - 3
Grunden til at man skulle købe 2 af disse og køre SLi ville være to ting. Enten fordi at man vil have mere ydelse for pengene, hvilket man egentlig ikke får. De to kort ligger lige over HD6950, men koster næsten DKR 500,- mere. Det næste scenarie er hvis man allerede har et af disse grafikkort, og det ikke helt kan klare sig i de nyere spil. Men dette er ikke relavant før om cirka 6 måneder, og det er ikke muligt at forudsige prisen til den tid.
UK summary
Two GTX550Ti runs really well together, and we can see that the SLi technology really has evolved, and in several tests we get almost double performance with two cards instead of one. There was SLi support in all games and applications used in this test, and all new games are being made with SLi support. If the game does not support SLi, there is a big chance that a singe card can handle it.
Innovation/Technology - 4
SLi technology has gotten very far, and we see nearly double the performance in some games. This however requires that the game which is being played supports it. Furthermore the card has the recent technologies such as DirectX 11, OpenCL, CUDA, PhysX and DirectCompute 5.0
Bundle/Accessories - 3
There is what you can expect to follow a graphics card. A DVI-VGA converter, power adapter, driver CD and a trial for Starcraft 2.
Design/Layout - 4
Here I give the card 4. The cooler keeps the card cold pretty good in a SLi setup, and the fans is hard to hear, even under full load. There is only one PCI-e power connector, making 2 in total. Most power supplies that can supply enough power for two of these cards usually also has 2 PCI-e power connectors.
Software/BIOS - 3
The software (the driver) that came with the card worked flawlessly and therefore gets 3.
Performance - 4
The performance on 2 of these cards are really good. Together they can deliver more performance than HD6950 in almost every category, which is pretty impressive.
Price - 3
The reason why you would buy 2 of these and run SLi would be two things. Either because you want more performance for the money, which you really won't get. The two cards performs just above HD6950, but they cost nearly DKK 500,- more. The next scenario is if you already have one of these cards and it can not quite cope the newer games. But this is not relevant within the next 6 months and it is not possible to predict the price at that time.
Test: Inno3D GTX550Ti - SLI
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 70% |
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