
Som skrevet i introduktionen, så har bundkortet her mulighed for at ændre en masse personers mening om AsRock, eksempelvis i HWT's forum. Jeg synes helt klart at AsRock har bestået eksamen. Mit indtryk af dette bundkort ligner ikke noget fra en OEM producent, og både kvaliteten af elektronikken og ydelsen kan fint matche de mærker der traditionelt sidder på gamer markedet.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
AsRock har smidt en masse ting ned på bundkortet som jeg personligt har savnet. Der er muligheden for at bruge en LGA775 køler, mulighed for floppy drev, mulighed for ekstra strøm til pci-e porte, Debug LED display, og masser af 3-pin stik til blæsere, hvilket er nogen jeg tit savner ved bundkort i dag.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Jeg ville rigtig gerne have givet 5 her, men jeg synes nu alligevel at der mangler noget. Der medfølger en SLi bro, men da der er understøttelse for både SLi og CrossFire synes jeg godt der kunne være et CF kabel med, især fordi der er så langt mellem PCIe soklerne at et af de små standard kabler ikke kan nå. Ellers er det en ok bundle, og især USB 3.0 breakout boksen er en god ting.
Design/Layout - 4
Som skrevet i afsnittet, så var jeg først lidt nervøs for at min store LMX køler ikke havde mulighed for at blive monteret på grund af de høje køleprofiler på MosFets, men det gik dog. Det generelle layout synes at fungere rigtig godt, og V8 køleren ser heller ikke helt dum ud. Jeg savner dog en smule mere plads omkring CPU soklen.
Software/BIOS - 4
Her bliver det til et 4 tal. AsRocks UEFI BIOS fungerer rigtig godt, og er ikke mindst utrolig nem at bruge. Den medfølgende software fungerer også rigtig godt og er utrolig brugervenlig.
Ydelse - 4
Det blev ikke helt til et 5 tal her, men det følger utrolig godt med resten af flokken, og overclocker ligesom de andre bundkort med Z68 chipsettet.
Pris - 5
En pris på 1275kr. kan ikke fortjene andet end et 5 tal. Bundkortet er helt klart et high-end bundkort, men til mainstream pris. Ydelsen er meget tæt på high-end flokken, og overclocker faktisk lige så godt.
UK summary

As written in the introduction, this motherboard has a chance to change a lot of peoples minds about AsRock. I my opinion AsRock has passed the test. My experience with this motherboard has not been that of a cheap OEM board. Both the build quality and performance can match brands that are the traditional rulers of the gaming segment.
Innovation/Technology - 5
AsRock has thrown a lot of things on this motherboard that I personally have missed. There is the possibility of using an LGA775 cooler, the option for floppy drives, an extra 4-pin molex for more power to the pci-e ports, the debug LED displayer, lots of 3-pin chassis fan powerplugs, which is something I often have been missing on motherboards.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
I would really like to have given 5 here, but despite this I think that something is missing. When including an SLi bridge, and there is support for both SLi and CrossFire, I do not think that it is fair to only throw in an SLi bridge, especially since the spacing between the two PCIe ports will need a longer-than-standard CF cable. On the plus side we find a USB 3.0 breakout box as a nice feature.
Design/Layout - 4
As written in the section, I was afraid that my big LMX cooler wouldn't be able to fit because of the high heatsinks on the board, but it managed. The general layout seems to work very well for the card, and the V8 cooler looks ok. However, I do miss a bit more space around the CPU socket.
Software/BIOS - 4
I give 4 here. AsRocks UEFI BIOS works really well and is incredibly easy to use. The included software works really well an is very user friendly.
Performance - 4
It was not quite a 5 here, but it does follow the rest of the flock quite well, and overclocks like the other motherboards with the Z68 chipset.
Price - 5
A prise of 1275kr. can not earn any less than 5. The motherboard is obviously a high-end motherboard, but at a mainstream price. The performance is very close to the high-end crowd, and actually overclocks just as well.
Test: Asrock Z68 Extreme4 Gen3
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 5 |
| |
Samlet | 86% |
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