
Det er åbenlyst at den nye HD 7700 serie handler om ydelse/strømforbrug. Der er ikke engang brug for et PCI-e strømstik for at få kortet til at køre. En ting jeg dog er en smule træt af er, at der mangler et CrossFire stik. Skal der køres med mere end et af disse kort skal der altså bruges en Hydra chip fra LucidLogix, og hvor godt det køre er ikke til at sige.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Strømforbruget er helt iorden for kortet her. Desuden har kortet fået de samme teknologier som flagskibet i HD 7000 serien, HD 7970.
Design/Layout - 4
Kortet er meget lille, og der er kun brugt en enkelt PCI-e plads til kortet. Det eneste jeg savner på dette grafikkort er et CrossFire stik. Der kom desværre lige meget nok larm fra blæseren i fuld load, men det er prisen man må betale for så lille en køler.
Software/BIOS - 3
Den eneste software vi fik med, er AMD's Catalyst driver. Denne fungerede upåklageligt og skal derfor have 3.
Ydelse - 4
Kortet yder både over og under HD 5770, men for det mest over, hvilket udløser en 4 tal i denne kategori.
Pris - 3
Jeg vil mene at man får mere for sine penge ved at smide 200kr. mere efter et HD 7770. Men har man ikke et PCI strømstik i sin strømforsyning er dette helt klart det ideelle kort.
UK summary
It´s obvius that the new HD7700 series is all about performance/power consumption. There is not even a need for a PCI-e powerplug to get the card running. One thing that annoys me though, is the lack of a Crossfire plug. If you need to run more than one of these cards, you then need a Hydra chip from LucidLgix, and how well that performs is not easy to know.
Innovation/Technology - 5
The powerconsumption is alrigth for this card. Furthermore this card holds the same technologys as the topcard of the HD7000 serie, namely the HD7970.
Design/layout - 4
The card is very small, and there is only one PCI-e slot needed. The only thing missing on this card is a Crossfire plug. Unfortunately there where just a large amount of noise from the fan, but that´s the price you pay for such a small cooler.
Software/BIOS - 3
The only software included where the AMD Catalyst driver. That worked rigth out of the box and therefore it´s awarded 3.
Performance - 4
The card performs both above and beneath the HD5770, but mostly above the HD5770 which triggers a grade of 4 in this category.
Price - 3
In my opinion you get a better card, if you spend the 200DKK ekstra on a HD7770. But if you don´t have a PCI-e powerplug on you powersupply this card is definately the ideal card.
Test: AMD HD 7750
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 76% |
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