
Corsair præsenterer endnu et kabinet i budgetsegmentet, der imponerer med kvalitet og detaljer, som normalt ikke ses i denne prisklasse.
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Corsair er med på de funktioner man forventer, men der er ingen innovation at finde.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Alt hvad man har brug for af skruer, samt en god og gennemført manual.
Design/Layout - 3
Fronten virker en smule billig, med dækpladerne som ikke har en jævn overgang mellem hinanden.
Resten af kabinettet udstråler høj kvalitet, og gennemtænkte løsninger.
Der er stort fokus på kabelføring, værktøjsfri installation og køling i dette kabinet.
Pris - 5
Igen viser Corsair, at de også i dette prissegment forstår, hvordan man adskiller sig fra konkurrenterne.
471 DKR er en utrolig god pris for det, Carbide 200R har at tilbyde.
UK summary

Corsair presents another chassis in the budget segment, that impresses on quality and details, that generally carries a higher pricetag.
Innovation/Technology - 3
Corsair delivers the functions to be expected, but there is no real innovation to be found.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
All the screws needed, and a good and thorough instruction manual.
Design/Layout - 3
The front seems a little cheap, because of the baycovers, that doesn't line up properly.
The rest of the chassis consists of high quality, and thought through solutions.
There is much focus on cablemanagement, toolfree installation and coolling in this chassis.
Price - 5
Corsair shows again that they also in this price segment, understands how to separate themselves from the competition.
471 DKK is a very good price, for what the Carbide 200R has to offer.
Test: Corsair Carbide 200R kabinet
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 3 |
Pris | 5 |
| |
Samlet | 70% |
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