
Efter at have haft Asus kortet igennem bænken troede jeg faktisk at vi ville se nogenlunde samme ydelse, men det var desværre ikke helt det vi så.
Især ikke med minimum FPS, hvor Asus var MSI kortet her nogen overlegent. Dog vil jeg nævne at køleren på kortet er ganske fin og ingen støj giver.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Der er ikke noget nyt eller innovativt i kortet, men vi har stadig at gøre med de nye chips fra AMD.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
Det er ikke meget MSI giver med i kassen. Et PCIe strømstik til dem der har en aldrende strømforsyning, og en DVI til VGA adapter til dem der har en aldrende skærm. Det kan ikke give mere end et 3 tal.
Design/Layout - 4
Kortet er meget lille og kan være i faktisk alle kabinetter. MSI har også valgt at lave deres eget PCB med et ganske fint layout.
Software/BIOS - 3
Softwaren (driveren) fungerede upåklageligt og skal derfor have 3.
Performance - 3
Her må jeg snige mig ned på en 3'er. Jeg synes at de små minimum drops i FPS, som måske ikke varede andet end et sekundt, er lidt for dårligt og utrolig træls når man sidder og spiller.
Price - 3
Jeg synes ikke at man får helt så meget for sine penge for MSI kortet end man gør med Asus kortet der er 200kr. dyrer. Hos Asus oplever man ikke disse voldsomme FPS drops som med MSI kortet, hvorfor jeg giver kortet her 3.
UK summary

After having the Asus card though my testbench I frankly thougth we would see somewhat equal performance, but that was unfortunately not the case. Especially not with minimum FPS, where the Asus was the MSI card superior. I will however mention that the cooler on the card is quite fine and it provides no noise.
Innovation/Technology - 4
There´s nothing new or innovative about the card, but we are still dealing with the new chips from AMD.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
It´s not much that MSI embeds in the box. A single PCIe powercable for those with a aging powersuppply, and a DVI/VGA adapter for those with a old monitor. It can´t give more that a grade of 3.
Design/Layout - 4
The card is very small and can in fact fit all cases. MSI has also choosen to manufacture their own PCB with quite a great layout.
Software/BIOS - 3
The software (driver) works impeccably and are therefore graded 3.
Performance - 3
In this category I have to grade 3. I think that the small minimum drops in FPS, that maybe lasted a second, is to bad and it´s incredible annoying when playing.
Price - 3
I don´t think that you get quite as much value for your money as one does with the Asus, which is 200DKK more. With the Asus you don´t experience those significant drops as with MSI card, and therefore I grade 3 here.
Test: MSI HD 7790 OC Edition
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 3 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 66% |
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