
Coveret kommer i alverdens farver, og det er sku i orden, om du er business mand eller skole elev, så er der en farve til dig. Jeg er dog ikke udpræget begejstret for det løse låg, der efter et stykke tid ikke længere virker til at folde på bagsiden. Alt i alt vil jeg dog til den lave pris den har, anbefale det, hvis du ikke kræver det store ud over at beskytter din iPad.
Inovation/Teknologi - 3
Den lille sag gør, hvad den skal gøre og intet mere, den er dog let at få på og virker fint.
Design - 2
Med alle de forskellige farver virker designet fint, men det dårlige låg trækker altså ned.
Price - 4
Prisen til under 200 er simpelthen bare god stil og jeg overvejede et 5 tal. Dog trækker kvaliteten ned her.
UK summary
The cover comes in all the colors in the world, and that rocks! Whether you are a businessman or a student there is the perfect color for you. I don't really like that after hours of use it won't hold the iPad anymore. But in general with that low price, I would still recommend it if you just need it for protection and nothing else.
Innovation/Technology - 3
The little thing does what it's supposed to and nothing more, but it works.
Design - 2
I like the design and with the different colors it works. Unfortunately the top of the cover doesn't work after a while.
Price - 4
Cool style with a price under 200 DKK - that's good, but the quality does substract a bit.
Test: iPad 2/3/4 Front/Back Cover Orange
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Design - Layout | 2 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 60% |
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