
Med det nye design på køler og PCB føler man ikke at man faktisk sidder med et gammelt HD 7870 GHz grafikkort i hånden, hvilket jeg bestemt synes er en god ting. Desværre må vi også erkende at der ikke rigtig er noget nyt i kortet over det tidligere HD 7870 GHz. Og når 3Dmark11 finder frem til at det faktisk er et HD 7870 GHz føler man sig stadig en smule snydt, for det er jo et nyt R9 grafikkort man har købt, ikke?
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Nyt design til køler og PCB var hvad det blev til fra AMD's side af. Generelt ikke noget jeg er imponeret af.
Design/Layout - 3
Jeg kan rigtig godt lide det nye design på reference køleren, men så stopper glæden også der. Jeg kan kun forestille mig at PCB designet er lavet om fordi AMD ikke ville have at man skulle kunne se at de var 100% ens. Så snart kortet sidder i systemet, er det netop det man føler - at man sidder med et HD 7870 GHz.
Software/BIOS - 3
Softwaren (driveren) fungerede upåklageligt og skal derfor have 3.
Ydelse - 4
Med det sagt har grafikkortet stadig meget at give af. Ydelsen ligger tæt på GTX 670, især når det bliver overclocket.
Pris - 4
Jeg synes at prisen ligger på et rimeligt sted. Prisen er nemlig noget af den samme som HD 7870 GHz, hvor man betaler få ekstra kroner for at få den nye R9 serie, der kommer med en lidt højere standard clock hastighed.
UK summary
With the new design on PCB and cooler you don´t feel that you in fact are sitting with an old HD7870 GHz videocard in your hand, which I find to be a good thing. Unfortunately we must also recognize that there´s nothing new in the card besides the former HD7870 GHz. And when 3Dmark11 finds that it is in fact a HD 7870 Ghz you feel kind off ripped off, because it´s a new R9 videocard you bought, rigth?
Innovation/Technology - 3
New design for the cooler and PCB is what we got from AMD. Not something that I impressed of.
Design/Layout - 3
I really like the new design on the reference cooler, but then the exitement also stops. I can only imagine that the PCB is re-designed because AMD did not want you to see that they were 100% alike. As soon as the card is mounted, that is excactly what you feel - that you bougth a HD 7870 Ghz.
Software/BIOS - 3
The software (driver) worked flawlessly and is therefore graded 3.
Performance - 4
With that said, the videocard still have much to give from. The performance is close to GTX 670, especially when overclocked.
Price - 4
I think that the price is reasonable. The price is nearly the same as with HD 7870 Ghz, where you pay a few ekstra kroner to get the new R9 series, which comes with a bit higher standard clock speed.
Test: AMD R9 270X (2GB)
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Design - Layout | 3 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 68% |
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