Det har været en sand fornøjelse at have denne mini PC kørende på skrivebordet i testperioden. Alt har bare fungeret fuldkommen upåklageligt og både ydelses og lydindtryk har været formidabelt. Jeg kan kun klappe i hænderne og sige godt gået ASUS. Denne mini PC har til fulde levet op til forventningerne om en maskine, der scorer topkarakterer i stort set alle kategorier.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Her giver jeg uforbeholdent et 5 tal for der er unægtelig lagt en del ny køleteknologi og lækre innovative løsninger i dette mini kabinet. Imponerende at et så vildt gamer setup kan indeholdes på så lidt plads.
Design/Layout - 4
Designet synes jeg er helt fint. Personligt kan jeg godt lide det mangekantede og dog gedigne udtryk som G20 udstråler. Det er også en lækker detalje at LED lyset kan personliggøres i meget stor grad.
Software/BIOS - 4
Softwaren som styrer store dele af G20's mange funktioner er lækker og gennemført og der er muligheder for både nybegynderen og den mere avancerede bruger. Der er tænkt på stort set alle de muligheder man lige står og vil få brug for med softwaren ASUS Command. Også rart at se at da det er en ROG maskine og altså en Gamer, at der følger et spil med.
Ydelse - 4
PC'en leverer en helt fin ydelse som afspejler den sidste nye hardware som G20 er udstyret med og jeg må da sige at den på spilsiden lever helt op til ASUS's målsætning om at skabe den bedst ydende i mini PC kategorien lige netop nu. Dog må jeg trække lidt ned på et firetal eftersom PCMark Vantage testen så lidt ringe ud.
Pris - 4
Det koster hvis man vil have det bedste som penge kan betale for nu og her, så med den hardware og det design som denne lille G20 indeholder ja så er det faktisk en rimelig pris.
UK summary
I really has been a pleasure to have this min PC running on the desktop in the testperiod. Everything has been working impeccably and both performance and the sound impression has been formidable. Thus I applaude and say well done ASUS. This little gamer has fully lived up to the ecspectations from a PC that simply scores topgrades in almost anything.
Innovation/Technology - 5
Here I must give the rating 5 because of the job that is layed into new cooling solutions and other innovative solutions in this mini PC/case. I find it rather impressive that such a wild gamersetup can be fitted inside this rather small PCcase.
Design/Layout - 4
I find the design to be very nice indeed. Personally I like the design of the case with its many facets and edges, and all in all it stands out rather sturdy. I love the PC's ability to be personallized in regards to the LED lights it is very versatile indeed.
Software/BIOS - 4
The software used to control many of G20's functions is very nice and well working, and there are great possibillities for both the newbie and the more experienced user to adjust from the software. A lot of thoughts has gone into developing the software so that you are able to adjust almost everything from the ASUS Command. It it also very nice to see a ROG gamer with a game included.
Performance - 4
The PC is performing very nicely, and it reflects output from the newest hardware that G20 is equipped with. It surely performs in the highest end and as ASUS has set as their goal. It is the very best performing miniPC right now. However since the PCMark Vantage test was rather poor I will have to rate the performance 4.
Price - 4
Top hardware has it's price so if you want state of the art, this is the item to buy. This tiny G20 has lots of power and a nice design, and top it off with the latest in hardware then I find the price to be more than fair.
Test: Asus ROG G20AJ Gaming Desktop PC
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 84% |
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