Med deres HerculeZ køler har Inno3D begået et kort, der designmæssigt vil dele vandene, ligeledes vil størrelsen udelukke kortet fra de populære micro ATX kabinetter. Kigger man forbi det specielle design, kan vi konstatere, at den store køler holder chippen under 60°C uden problemer. Hele kortet er ydermere utrolig robust og taber du apparatet, er det gulvet det går værst ud over. Desværre kan HerculeZ X4 køleren ikke måle sig med konkurrenterne, når det kommer til støj og det er et problem på et marked hvor nyere kort er næsten lydløse.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
GTX 980 chippen er NVIDIAs topmodel med 2048 CUDA cores og 4 GB RAM. Inno3D har tilføjet speciel VRM køling.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 5
Kortet kommer med en stor bunke tilbehør. Musemåtten og 3DMark licensen imponerer specielt meget og det er usædvanligt i det nuværende marked, vi giver 5 point.
Design/Layout - 4
iChill kølerens specielle design vil uden tvivl sortere mange købere fra, men ydelsen er voldsomt imponerede. Desværre trækker det relativt høje støjniveau oplevelsen ned, vi lander derfor på 4 point.
Software/BIOS - 3
Kortet leverede stabil ydelse hele vejen igennem testen. Det medfølgende TuneIT overclockprogram er en trist affære og samtlige konkurrenter har langt bedre alternativer.
Ydelse - 5
GTX 980 er NVIDIAs topmodel og kun AMDs 295X2 kunne skubbe flere FPS i vores test. Vil du have mere ydelse skal du altså investere i en SLI/CrossFire løsning.
Pris - 3
4650,- gode danske kroner skal du have op af lommen, hvis du vil eje iChill topmodellen. Dette er en smule mere end konkurrenterne fra ASUS og MSI, som dog tager mere for deres entusiast topmodeller. Selvom Inno3D vedlægger en stor mængde tilbehør, er jeg ikke overbevist om, at kortet er et bedre køb end konkurrenterne. Vi lander på middelmådige 3 point.
GTX 980 har dog, som markedet allerede har konstateret, den akilleshæl at en GTX 970 SLI løsning er mere kosteffektiv hvis man søger mange FPS.
UK summary
With their HerculeZ cooler Inno3D has created a card, with a design that will share the waters. The size exclude the card from the popular micro ATX enclosures. If you look past the special design, we note that the large cooler keeps the chip below 60°C without problems. The entire card is additionally incredibly robust and in you should drop the device, it's the floor that will get most scrathces. Unfortunately Herculez X4 cooler does not match its competitors when it comes to noise and that's a problem in a market where the newer cards are virtually silent.
Innovation / Technology - 5
GTX 980 chip is NVIDIA's flagship model with 2048 CUDA cores and 4GB of RAM. Inno3D has added special VRM cooling.
Bundle / Accessories - 5
The card comes with a big pile of accessories. The mouse pad and 3DMark license impresses especially much and it is unusual in the current market, we give 5 points.
Design / Layout - 4
iChill cooler's special design will no doubt sort many buyers from, but performance is tremendously impressed. Unfortunately prefer the relatively high noise level experience down, we land therefore of 4 points.
Software / BIOS - 3
The card delivered stable performance throughout the test. The supplied TuneIT overclock program is a sad affair and all competitors have much better alternatives.
Performance - 5
GTX 980 is NVIDIA's flagship and only AMD 295X2 could push more FPS in our tests. Want more performance you must therefore invest in an SLI / Crossfire solution.
Price - 3
If you want to own the iChill top model, you will have to spend 4650,- DKK. This is a bit more than the competitors from ASUS and MSI, Except for their enthusiast top models. Although Inno3D includes lots of accessories, I am not convinced that the card is a better buy than the competitors. We land on mediocre 3 points.
GTX 980, however, as the market has already found the Achilles' heel of a GTX 970 SLI solution, which is more cost effective if you are looking for many FPS.
Test: iChill GeForce GTX 980 HerculeZ X4 Air Boss/ ULTRA
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 5 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 83% |
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