
Der er ingen tvivl om, at Razer gør hvad de kan for at forbedre deres produkter. Dette tastatur er ingen undtagelse, men der er desværre både plusser og minusser.
Razer har lavet et fedt strømlinet tastatur uden de store dikkedarrer. De har fået implementeret deres egne kontakter, og deres CHROMA lysstyring. Der er ingen tvivl om, at dette tastatur er rigtig godt.
Den medfølgende håndledsstøtte er også rigtig lækker, og hænderne har et godt hvilested når der er pause i kampene. Den er magnetisk, hvilket ikke gør noget. Til gengæld dækker den over Razer logoet midt på tastaturet, hvilket jeg måske synes er lidt en skam, men uden betydning.
En ting jeg undrer mig meget over er, at man vælger at skifte til et 4 polet lydstik. Det er ikke splittet i nogle af enderne, og der følger ikke nogen splitter med, så man kan tilslutte et normalt headset med separat mikrofon og højttaler stik. Det er lidt underligt. Så er der placeringen af lydstikket, som sidder i samme side som USB stikket. USB stikket vil man formodentligt normalt bruge til musen, at man så skal have sit kabel fra sit headset til at ligge i samme side er mig lidt rodet.
At der er et USB stik i tastaturet, synes jeg er super lækkert. Så slipper man for at have flere kabler ned til computeren hvilket er fedt, for det kan godt blive lidt noget rod med alle de kabler dernede.
Til sidst er der kontakterne, som jeg umiddelbart synes larmer en tand for meget. Der er ikke klik i dem, men det er som om at gnidningen i plastikken eller noget helt andet larmer uforholdsmæssigt meget. Det kan være tastaturet lige skal slides til, men førstehåndsindtrykket er ikke imponerende på den front.
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
der er ingen tvivl om, at Razer vil deres kunder det godt. De gør hvad de kan for at forbedre og fornye deres produkter, men jeg synes altså ikke de kommer helt i mål her. Deres kontakter larmer en del mere end hvad jeg lige synes man kan forvente af mekaniske kontakter nu om dage.
Så er der deres underlige forsøg på, at implementere 4 polet lydstik, i stedet for at holde sig til de gode gamle 2x3 polet stik.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Der er ingen tvivl om, at det er håndledsstøtten der trækker op her. Vi skal passe på vores krop, og der er ingen tvivl om at en håndledsstøtte er godt. At de så ydermere har valgt at lave den i en lækker blød udførelse er jo kun endnu bedre.
Software - 5
Softwaren Razer Synapse fejler ikke noget. Man får et hav af muligheder, og man kan samle alle sine Razer produkter i samme software. Det giver det perfekte overblik over sin opsætning og sine produkter.
Design/Layout - 2
Selve grund designet er ganske fint på dette tastatur. Razer har dog valgt at bruge dobbelt funktion på tasterne, i stedet for at lave dedikerede multimedia taster. Det er lidt en skam efter min mening, for man begynder at elske dedikerede taster når først man er blevet vant til dem.
Razer har desuden valgt, at lydstik og USB stik skal sidde i samme side. Jeg kan jo kun tale for mig selv, men normalt er lydkablet til headsettet monteret i venstre ørekop, hvilket vil betyde at lydkablet skal krydse ind foran en fra højre til venstre side. Det er uhensigtsmæssigt efter min mening.
Ydelse - 4
Der er ingen tvivl om, at tastaturet yder som det skal. Man kan sidde ved det længe, og tasterne er tilpas bløde at trykke på, så man ikke bliver træt i fingrene.
Pris - 3
Med en pris på lige under 1200 DKK, synes jeg måske at tastaturet ligger lige i den dyre ende. Man får ikke rigtig fornemmelsen af kvalitet med dette tastatur, da alt er plastik, og kontakterne larmer en smule mere end forventet. Når man ligger det sammen med de andre tekniske udfordringer jeg har nævnt ovenfor, så mener jeg desværre ikke at Razer er helt i mål til, at kunne bede om så mange penge for deres produkt.
UK summary:

There is no doubt that Razer is doing what they can to improve their products. This keyboard is no exception, but unfortunately there are both pro and cons.
Razer has created a streamlined keyboard without to much nonsens. They have implemented their own contacts and their CHROMA lighting control. There is no doubt that this keyboard is really good.
The included wrist support is also really delicious, and the hands have a good resting place when there is a lull in the fighting. It is magnetic, which doesn't do anything. On the other hand, it covers the Razer logo in the middle of the keyboard, which I think is perhaps a little unfortunate but irrelevant.
One thing I was surprised me is that they choose to switch to a 4 pin audio connector. It is not divided over some of the ends, and that does not follow any splitter with, so you can connect a normal headset with a separate microphone and speaker jack. It is a little odd. Then there is the location of the audio, which sits on the same side as the USB connector. The USB connector you will probably usually use for your mouse, so the fact that we must have its cable from his headset to be in the same side is a little messy.
That there is a USB plug in the keyboard, I think that is great. You will be free of the hassle to have more cables down to the computer which is great, because it may well be a bit of a mess with all the cables down there.
Finally, there are contacts, which I immediately think make just a bit to much noise. There are no clicks in them, but it's as if that the friction in plastic or something else entirely is noisy disproportionately. It can be the keyboard just to need to be "used", but first impression is not impressive on the front.
Innovation/Technology - 3
There is no doubt that Razer want their customers the bestl. They are doing what they can to improve and renew their products, but I don´t think the make it all the way to the endzone. Their contacts is a bit more noisy than what I just seem to expect of mechanical switches now a days.
Then there is their strange attempt to deploy 4 pin audio connector, rather than stick to the good old 2 x 3 pin connector.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
There is no doubt that it´s the handwrist support that pull up here. We must take care of our body, and there is no doubt that a wrist support is good. That they have chosen to do it in a nice soft execution is the only even better.
Software - 5
Razer Synapse software are not failing. You get a sea of choices, and you can collect all your Razer products in the same software. It provides the perfect overview of your settings and your products.
Design/Layout - 3
The basic design is quite fine on this keyboard. Razer has, however, chosen to use double feature on keys, instead of making a dedicated multimedia keys. It's kind of a shame, in my opinion, because you begin to love the dedicated keys once you have become accustomed to them.
Razer has also chosen that audio jack and USB connectors must be seated on the same side. I can only speak for myself, but usually the audio cable into the headset mounted in the left ear, which would mean that the audio cable to cross in front of a right-to-left page. It is inappropriate, in my opinion.
Performance - 4
There is no doubt that the keyboard performs as it should. You can sit at for a long time, and the keys are just soft enough to pres, so you won´t get tired in the fingers.
Price - 3
With a price of just under 1200 DKK, I think maybe the keyboard is in the expensive end. You don't really get the feel of quality with this keyboard, since everything is plastic, and contacts make noise a bit more than expected. When you compare that to the other technical challenges I have mentioned above, I think that Razer has unfortunately not met the goal, to be able to ask for as much money for their product.
Test: Razer BlackWidow CHROMA V2 keyboard
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 2 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 70% |
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