
Det har også været en stor fornøjelse at have dette Z370 bundkort kørende med i5 8600K CPU'en. Jeg er ret sikker på at dette AORUS bundkort i kombination med i5 8600K nok skal finde plads i mange nye Gaming builds på grund af de gode resultater i de tests hvor både Grafikkort og CPU spiller ind. Personligt er jeg vild med designet omend jeg godt kunne undvære LED lyset. Men OK netop LED lyset er en af Z370 AORUS GAMING 7 bundkortenes forcer, så det er der helt sikkert også en brugerskare til.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Bundkortet er fremstillet med de seneste teknologier monteret, f.eks. M.2 og USB 3.1.
Disse ting gælder stadig og er med til at trække den generelle værdi af AORUS bundkortet op:
1: Direkte 24/7 online esupport hos GIGABYTE
2: Direkte adgang til deres RMA afdeling for hurtig ombytning af et evt. defekt bundkort.
3: Du får et års ekstra garanti ved købet af Aorus bundkort.
De nævnte ting er da absolut et plus som man seriøst bør overveje hvis man skal ud og købe sig et Z370 bundkort.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Der er nøjagtigt hvad man kan forvente til bundkortet. Der er en smule ekstra i form af 2 ekstra temperatur termistorer og et lille metal logo til at montere på kabinettet.
Design/Layout - 4
Designet kan jeg personligt rigtigt godt lide, men det er personlig smag der slår igennem her. Er man til rigtigt meget LED lys så er dette bestemt bundkortet man bør satse på.
Software/BIOS - 4
Både BIOS og software er som vi kender det fra AORUS simpelthen bare velfungerende og let at navigere rundt i.
Ydelse - 4
Ydelsen må siges at være helt i orden for dette Z370 AORUS GAMING 7. flot at se at det ved stock clock faktisk er hurtigere en MSI's CARBON AC kort.
Pris - 4
Prisen omkring de 2000 Kr. må siges at være godkendt til et bundkort med nyeste intel chipsæt og masser af de nyeste teknologier ombord.
Test: Gigabyte Z370 AORUS GAMING 7
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 80% |
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It has also been a great pleasure to have this Z370 motherboard running with i5 8600K CPU. I am pretty sure that this AORUS motherboard in combination with i5 8600K enough to find space in many new Gaming builds due to the good performance of the tests where both the graphics card and CPU come into play. Personally, I love the design though I could do without the LED light t. But OK just LED light is one of Z370 AORUS GAMING 7 bottom boards strengths, so there is certainly also a readership.
Innovation/Technology - 5
The motherboard is manufactured with the latest technologies, such as mounted. M. 2 and USB 3.1.
These things still apply and are helping to drag the overall value of AORUS the motherboard up:
1: Direct 24/7 online esupport with GIGABYTE
2: Direct access to their RMA Department for quick replacement of a possibly. faulty motherboard.
3: You'll get a year's extra guarantee on the purchase of Aorus motherboard.
The said thing is definitely a plus as you seriously should consider if you are going out to buy a Z370 motherboard.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
There´s exactly what you would expect for the motherboard. There is a little extra in the form of 2 additional temperature Thermistors and a small metal logo to mount on the chassi
Design/Layout - 4
The design can I personally really like, but it is personal taste there are reflected here. If you like many LED lights then this is certainly the motherboard you should bet on
Software/BIOS - 4
Both BIOS and software as we know it from AORUS simply smooth-running and easy to navigate in
Performance - 4
The performance must be said to be completely in order for this Z370 AORUS GAMING 7. Nice to see it at stock clock actually is faster a MSI's CARBON AC adapter.
Price - 4
The price around the 2000 DKK must be said to be approved for a motherboard with latest intel chipset and lots of the latest technologies on board.