
Har haft Cloud Key´en til test i en lille måneds tid, i den periode har den kørte helt upåklageligt uden nedbrud eller andet.
Når man først har fået sat sig ind i hvordan og hvad en Cloud Key kan bruges til synes jeg faktisk den giver rigtig god mening i at tilføje til sit Unifi netværk.
Det er bare så meget lettere efter min mening, at have Unifi Controlleren kørende på en Cloud Key i forhold til f.eks. at installere softwaren på enten Windows, macOS, eller Linux.
Til de lidt mere nørdede, kan man faktisk også installere Unifi Controlleren på en Synology NAS hvis denne understøtter Docker. Har selv kørt med sådan en konfiguration igennem længere tid hvilket har kørt præcist på samme måde som en Cloud Key.
Eneste ulempe er ved opdatering som er lidt mere besværlig, hvis det er via Docker.
Har man en iPhone eller Android enhed, kan man hente Unifi via Google Play eller AppStore.
Heri kan man fuldt ud administrer hele sit Unifi setup, både lokalt og ude fra det er simpelthen genialt.
Derfor til den helt almindelige forbruger, vil jeg helt klart anbefale en Cloud Key, hvis de i forvejen kigger på Unifi produkter.
Innovation / Teknologi - 4
Teknologimæssigt set, består Cloud Key´en af en ældre ARM Cortex-A7 Quad-Core 1.3 Ghz 32bit CPU som udkom i 2015, kombineret med 2GB RAM samt 16GB intern lagerplads hvoraf de 10.30GB er tilgængelig.
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Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
En flot 3´er må det blive til, der er alt i pakken for at kunne tilslutte Cloud Key´en.
Synes dog godt de kunne have vedlagt en strømforsyning, tænker alligevel det er de færreste som har en PoE switch i deres netværk.
Design / Layout - 5
Designet kan jeg personligt rigtigt godt lide, det er pænt og nydeligt. Vi lander på et stort flot 5 tal.
Software - 3
Cloud Key´en har kørt problemfrit, både når vi snakker Unifi Controlleren samt softwaren til at styre Cloud Key´en. Hastigheden på webinterfacet er hurtigt og stabilt.
En ting som irriterer mig er at Ubiquiti endnu ikke har fået implementeret en nem måde at importere et SSL certifikat på.
Her snakker jeg selvfølgelig om den advarsel man får i browseren, når man åbner siden.
Med et par Chuck Norris tricks i hånden, kan et SSL certifikat tilføjes, set ud fra brugerens perspektiv opgiver de fleste da det simpelthen er for besværligt for den almindelige bruger at gå i gang med.
Ydelse - 4
Har intet at sætte på ydelsen af Cloud Key´en, navigationen af web interfacet kører helt smooth og uden lags eller andet.
Har haft 2 stk. AP AC Pro Access Points, samt deres UniFi Security Gateway 3P kørende på same Cloud Key. I følge diverse tråde på https://community.ubnt.com/ skulle en Cloud Key kunne håndtere op til 1000 enheder selvom det nok skal tages med et gran salt.
Pris - 4
Prisen på Cloud Key´en svinger en del når vi sammenligner med pricerunner.dk over en periode, da artiklen her blev skrevet kostede den ca. 580,- set ud fra hvad man får af muligheder og hvor nemmere det bliver at administrer Unifi enheder, lander vi på et flot 4 tal.
Test: UniFi® Cloud Key
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 76% |
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hereUK summary
Have had Cloud Key ´ one to test in a month's time, in the small period has it ran completely smoothly with no crashes or anything else.
Once you've got put into how and what a Cloud Key can be used to find I actually it gives really good sense to add to its Unifi network.
It's just so much easier in my opinion, having Unifi Controller running on a Cloud Key compared to eg. to install the software on either Windows, macOS, or Linux.
For the slightly more geeky, you can indeed install Unifi Controller on a Synology NAS if this supports Dock. Has even been running with such a configuration for some time which has been running exactly the same way as a Cloud Key.
Only downside is when updating which is a little more difficult if it is via the Dock.
You have an iPhone or Android device, you can download Unifi via Google Play or AppStore.
Herein one can fully manage its entire Unifi setup, both locally and from the outside it is simply brilliant.
Therefore, for the ordinary consumer, I would definitely recommend a Cloud Key, if they are already looking at Unifi products.
Innovation/Technology - 4
Technologywise this set Cloud Key one of an older ´ ARM Cortex-A7 1.3 Ghz 32 bit CPU Quad-Core which appeared in 2015, combined with 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB internal storage space of which the 10:30 GB is available.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
A nice 3 it may become, there'is everything in the package in order to be able to connect the Cloud Key.
Think, however well they could have attached a power supply, I am thinking that only few have a PoE switch in their network.
Design/Layout - 5
The design can I personally really like, it's nicely and neatly. We land on a large beautiful grade of 5.
Software/BIOS - 3
the Cloud Key has been running smoothly, both when we're talking Unifi Controller as well as the software to manage the Cloud Key. The speed of the Web interface is fast and stable.
One thing that annoys me is that the Ubiquiti has not yet been implemented an easy way to import an SSL certificate.
Here I'm talking of course about the warning you get when you open the page in the browser.
With a few Chuck Norris tricks in the hand, can an SSL certificate be added, set out from the user's perspective, giving up most as it is simply too difficult for the average user to begin with.
Performance - 4
I have nothing to put on the performance of Cloud Key, navigation of web interface runs completely smooth and without tier or second.
Have had 2 PCs. AP AC Pro Access Points, as well as their UniFi Security Gateway 3 p running on same Cloud Key. According to various threads on https://community.ubnt.com/should a Cloud Key could handle up to 1000 devices although it probably should be taken with a grain of salt.
Price - 4
The price of Cloud Key swings a lot when we compare with pricerunner.dk over a period of time, since the article was written here cost the ca. 580,-from what you get of possibilities and how easier it will be to manage Unifi units, I am giving a grade of 4.