
SilverStone har endnu en gang vist, at de er gode til det med kabinetter. De har lavet et super flot kabinet med nogle rigtig lækre detaljer.
Der er gode muligheder for vandkøling af sine hardware komponenter, dog tilsyneladende kun med AIO køleløsninger. Skal man lave custom loop, skal man ud og lave sit eget beslag, eller bore huller i kabinettet.
Man har rig mulighed for, at skabe et godt luftflow i dette kabinet. Hvis man monterer 3x 140 mm blæsere i fronten, blæser man luften lige igennem kabinettet, da dækpladerne for udvidelseskortene er så hullede som de er. Det er en god løsning for dem som bruger kraftige grafikkort.
Der er nogle ting man som nævnt tidligere skal tænke over, inden man køber dette kabinet. Man skal have overblik over sit build inden man køber kabinettet, så man ved alle komponenterne kan være der.
Personligt er jeg super glad for kabinettet, og jeg synes det viser meget godt, hvor langt man er nået ved at der ikke er nogen drevpladser foran, og at det hele skal være så diskret som muligt, så det ser nydeligt ud. Hvem bruger overhovedet et optisk drev nu om dage?
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Kabinettet er super stilrent, der er stort set ikke noget synligt plastik på kabinettet. Lyset i kabinettet er også lækkert og blødt. Jeg kunne dog godt have tænkt mig muligheden for, at kunne skifte farve.
SilverStone har givet god plads til vandkøling, men jeg synes det er lidt en skam der ikke er lavet huller i bagpladen til custom vandkøling. Der kunne sagtens sidde et reservoir og en pumpe i kabinettet til et flot custom loop.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Der er kun lige det tilbehør man har brug for. Skruer og gevind stænger til montering af bundkort. Selv brugervejledningen er ganske lille.
Design/Layout - 4
Designet i kabinettet er super lækkert. Alle sider er flot lakeret i glat hvid, hvilket bare er stilrent som en i pokker. Det store PSU cover i bunden er ligeledes lakeret, og dækker over alt hvad der minder om kabelrod. Glas siden er i en let røget farve, hvilket gør det nemt at kigge ind, og nyde sin hardware.
Pris - 4
Kabinettet er ikke så udbredt her i Danmark endnu, men jeg kan finde det på danske webbutikker til omkring 800-900 DKK, hvilket er en ganske fin pris for sådanne et lækkert kabinet.
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UK summary:

SilverStone have once again shown that they do cases well. They have created a super nice looking case with some really nice details.
There are good options for using water cooling with your hardware, however immediately only using AIO solutions. If you would like to have a custom loop you need to create your own mounts or to drill holes in the case.
You have any possibility to create a good airflow in this case. If you mount 3x 140 mm fans in the front, you blow air straight through the case as the covers for the extension cards are as perforated as they are. This is a good solution for those who use powerful graphics cards.
As mentioned earlier, there are some things that you have to think about before buying this case. You have to have a proper overview of your build so you know that all components can fit in.
I am personally quite fond of this case, and I think it shows quite nicely how far we have gotten when there is no drive slots on the front of the case and that everything has to be as discrete as possible so things look neat and tidy. Who actually uses an optical drive these days?
Innovation/Technology - 3
The case is super stylish and there is almost no visible plastic on the case. The light in the case are also nice and soft. I would have liked the option to change the colour though.
SilverStone have made plenty of space for water cooling, but I think it is a bit of a shame that there are no holes in the back plate for custom water cooling. It would not have been a problem to fit in a reservoir and pump in the case for a nice custom loop.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
There is only the accesories you need. Screws and stags for mounting your motherboard. Even the manual is quite small.
Design/Layout - 4
The design of the case is super nice. All sides are beautifully painted in a smooth white, which is just stylish as hell. The big PSU cover in the bottom is likewise painted and covers everything resembling cable clutter. The glass side is in a slightly smoked colour, which makes it easy to look through and enjoy your hardware.
Price - 4
The case is not so widely known in Denmark yet, but you can find it at some danish webshops at about 800-900 DKK, which is a quite nice price for a case as nice as this.
Test: SilverStone RL07 ATX Kabinet
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 70% |
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