Lyd d. 08. august. 2018, skrevet af neemos 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 6192 gange.
Alt i alt et super lækkert og tiltalende headset som vi her har haft fornøjelsen af at teste. Bortset fra den lille forhøjning inde i ørekoppen, så er det et utroligt dejligt headset. Som jeg har skrevet under testen, så er det eneste der rigtigt irriterer mig, det at de ikke har lavet dette flotte headset til en bluetooth enhed, så jeg også kunne tage det med i det offentlige og vise frem.
Innovation / Teknologi - 2
Intet nyt under solen her, så de får et 2 tal
Bundle / Tilbehør - 2
Der er hvad der skal bruges for at komme igang
Design / Layout - 5
Som altid en smagssag, men jeg er virkelig glad for designet, og ikke mindst layout af knapper som gør det super nemt at bruge headsettet mens man sidder og gamer.
Ydelse - 4
Super god lyd, det eneste jeg kunne ønske var at man havde lavet HS70 til et bluetooth headset.
Pris - 4
Med en pris på 699,- i skrivende stund, så er jeg temmelig imponeret over HS70 SE
Innovation / Teknologi | 2 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 2 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 0 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
Samlet | 56% |
All in all, a super nice and appealing headset that we have had the pleasure of testing here. Aside from the slight increase in the ear cup, it's an incredibly nice headset. As I have written during the test, the only thing that really annoys me is that they have not made this great headset into a bluetooth device so I could also take it in public and show off.
Innovation/Technology - 2
Nothing new here.
Bundle/Accessories - 2
There's all you need to get started, nothing more, nothing less.
Design/Layout - 5
As always a matter of taste, but I'm really happy for the design, and not least the layout of buttons makes it super easy to use headset while you sit and game.
Performance - 4
Super crisp sound, the only thing that I miss is the lack of bluetooth in the HS70.
Price - 4
I'm impressed with the HS70 SE, with a price of only 699,- DKK as this article was made.