Test: Shuttle XPC Barebone P90U

Barebones d.  30. august. 2019, skrevet af Havenissen 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 7740 gange.

Korrekturlæser: jmose
Billed behandling: Havenissen
Oversættelse: Havenissen

Pristjek på  7618,00
Produkt udlånt af: Shuttle
DK distributør: n/a





Innovation - 4
Jeg synes det er smart at sætte IP54 certificering på skærmen, samt have muligheden for udvide med ekstra porte, hvis man har brug for dem, fremfor at være "tvunget" til købe dem. 

Bundle - 3
Der er hvad der er behov for.

Design/Layout - 4
Det ser fint ud og jeg kan godt lide at portene bagpå er opsat således der ikke stikker kabler ud af siden på P90U.

Software/BIOS - 3
Der er hvad der skal være, men som sædvanligt bliver jeg nødt til at påpege at den medfølgende DVD ikke kan bruges i P90U, medmindre man har et eksternt drev. BIOS har alle de indstillinger, som der er behov for. 

Ydelse - 4
Ydelsen ligger foran hvad vi har set fra andre barebones med onboard GPU i stortset alle tests.

Pris - 3
7618 kr er lige i overkanten efter min smag, især når RAM og SSD ikke er inkluderet. Prisen er oplyst af vores kontakt i Shuttle og jeg har ikke været i stand til at finde en pris fra en dansk butik. 



Test: Shuttle XPC Barebone P90U
Innovation / Teknologi4
Bundle - Tilbehør3
Design - Layout4
Software - BIOS3

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UK summary



The P90U has offered a breath of fresh air compared to the barebones, we usually get from Shuttle. Admittedly, the P90U is not intended for private customers, but rather for commercial customers in the retail or restaurant business, as evidenced by the port setup and IP54 certification. That is not to say that private customers cannot use it, since the P90U is an all-in-one PC with a touch screen first and foremost. When I first started the P90U there were some abnormalities on the screen in the form of pixel-thin horizontal streaks and I at first thought the screen was either defective or damaged during transport, but after a small heating period of 5 minutes they disappeared and I have not seen them since. The screen is fine, but I would have preferred full HD resolution over the 1600x900 available on the P90U. Single clicks worked quickly and responsively on the screen, while double clicks did not work very well and you have to get used to taking a longer break between clicks to get a double click. Right-clicking worked by holding your finger on the screen and waiting for a square to be drawn. I don't know if this behavior is due to Windows' way of handling the interaction or the screen, since I have not used touch screens on Windows until now. The little blue LED at the bottom glows very brightly and if you are right at the wrong angle, you get blinded. I solved this problem by putting a post-it note over the LED. But that being said, the P90U was a slightly different test than what we usually look at and has offered positive surprises. If you need a PC with a large touch-sensitive screen, then the P90U is definitely worth a consideration, and if you don't need i5, it is also available with a cheaper Celeron CPU.


  • Touch sensitive screen
  • Good performance
  • Solidly built
  • IP54
  • Possibility of VESA mounting


  • Blue LED at the bottom
  • Mediocre speakers
  • Not full HD resolution

Innovation/Technology - 4
I think it is smart to put IP54 certification on screen, as well as having the option of expanding with extra ports if you need them, rather than being "forced" to buy them.

Bundle/Accessories - 3
There is what you need.

Design/Layout - 4
It looks nice and I like that the ports at the back are set up so no cables stick out from the side of the P90U.

Software/BIOS - 3
There is what you need, but as usual, I will have to point out that the supplied DVD cannot be used in the P90U unless you have an external drive. The BIOS has all the settings needed.

Performance - 4
Performance is ahead of what we have seen from other barebones with onboard GPUs in virtually all tests.

Price - 3
7618 DKK is just over the top to my liking, especially when RAM and SSD are not included. The price is stated by our contact in Shuttle and I have not been able to find a price from a Danish store.