Grafikkort, AMD/ATI d. 23. januar. 2020, skrevet af Gripen90 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 14034 gange.
Radeon RX 5600XT er baseret på AMD's sprit nye NAVI arkitektur, som har vist sig at være et betragteligt fremskridt i forhold til tidligere generationer af kort. Dog besidder NAVI ikke Ray Tracing i sin arkitektur som Nvidia med Turing ,og derfor lander vi på et stort 4 tal. På trods af skepticisme over Ray Tracing og dets umiddelbare indflydelse, så er det en teknologi, som er kommet for at blive, og AMD omfavner den også i deres kommende nye GPU arkitektur.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 2
Tilbehøret er mere end spartansk, og man får intet med andet end instruktioner og vejledninger. Det er lidt skuffende, at der hverken er driver CD eller en strøm adapter.
Design/Layout - 4
Windforce X3 køleren gør som altid et rigtigtfornuftigt stykke arbejde. Den holder uden problemer holde kortet under 73 grader i et lille ITX kabinet. Støjen er minimal og derfor passer det godt ind i PC systemer, hvor lavt støjniveau er af stor betydning.
Ydelse - 4
Vi ser i vores tests at med seneste VBIOS (inden deadline), da formår RX 5600XT at hægte sig på GTX 1660Ti og løbe fra det. Nvidias næste tier kort RTX 2060 får helt klart konkurrence fra RX 5600XT. Kortet er designet til 1080p high refresh rate gaming, og er mere end i stand til at løfte denne opgave til perfektion. Selv i 1440p er der mulighed for at få en god spiloplevelse uden at skulle kompromittere de grafiske detaljer alt for meget.
Pris - 4
I skrivende stund er prisen ukendt for Gigabyte RX 5600XT Gaming OC. Prisen på skulle ligge omkring $279 USD, hvilket omsat i DKK med moms og importafgifter formodentlig betyder en pris på mellem 2200 og 2500DKK. Bliver dette prisen, så er RX 5600XT for alvor et godt alternativ til GTX 1660 Super og GTX 1660Ti. Nvidia har dog svaret igen med prisreducering på RTX 2060, så det kan erhverves fra 2500DKK og opefter. Men uanset hvad, så er RX 5600XT helt klart en stærk konkurrent i prissegmentet 2000~2500DKK (forudsat kortet vil ligge inden for det prisleje). Så snart prisen er kendt, vil denne bleve taget med i anmeldelsens endelig pointgivning.
Opdatering 23/1-2020 . Prisen på Gigabyte RX 5600XT Gaming OC 6G ligger pt på 2449DDk under en tilbudskrig. Dette prisleje er rigtig fornuftigt i forhold til pris/ydelsen, da det klart slår GTX 1660Ti og nærmer sig RTX 2060 territoriet. Er du på udkig efter nyt kort til ca. 2500DKK, så er Gigabyte RX 5600XT Gaming OC 6G klart at overveje.
AMDs new Radeon 5600XT is an exciting new chip which manages to evenout and surpass Nvidia's GTX 1660Ti. Had we had a RTX 2060 available for testing, then I am sure we would have seen an extremely close race. Gigabyte version of RX 5600XT with the Windforce X3 is well known, but perhaps a bit too well known these days, since there is no differentation between the AMD and NVidia models with the cooler, so it seems a bit bland now-a-days. Basically a Gigabyte RX 5600XT Gaming OC and Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super Gaming OC visually look indistinguishable.
As for performance there is nothing to complain about. The card is absolutely perfect for 1080p 120/144Hz gaming and can even strecth into 1440p territory. The card is both running cool and silent. The only real complaint here is the fact, that at the time of writing it is unknown whether all retail RX 5600XT will have the newest VBIOS installed, because as far as we know boards have reached retailers after the new VBIOS updates have been announced. This could scare of potential buyers who are not interested in doing a risky VBIOS update themselves, and then they will wait for later updated batches.
Innovation/Technology - 4
Radeon RX 5600XT is based on AMD's brand new NAVI architecture, which has shown to be a significant improvement over earlier generations of cards. However Ray Tracing is not present in NAVI like in Nvidias Turing chipset, which is why we settle for a large 4 in score. Despite skepticism about Ray Tracing and its influence on gaming, it is a technology that is here to stay and AMD will also incorporate it in their upcoming GPU architecture.
Bundle/Accessories - 2
The bundle is minimal and only with quick guide instructions. We would have liked to see at least a power adaptor or a metal badge sticker.
Design/Layout - 4
The Windforce X3 does a good job of keeping the card cool and quiet under all scenarios. It has no issues keeping the GPU under 73 degrees celcius in an ITX enclosure. The noise is minimal whereby the card fits great into PC systems that require low noise.
Performance - 4
In our test with the latest VBIOS (before deadline), the RX 5600XT manages to catch and surpass the GTX 1660Ti competitor. Nvidias next tier card RX 2060 will defintely get a run for its money by the RX 5600XT. The card is designed for 1080p high refresh rate gaming and is more than capable of handling this task to perfection. Even 1440p smooth gaming is possible without having to sacrifice too much graphical fidelity.
Price - 4
At the time of writing the price of the Gigabyte RX 5600XT Gaming OC is unknown to us. The US retail price should be around $279USD, which for the Danes would translate to around 2200~2500DKK considering tax and import fees. Should this be the final cost of the card, then the RX 5600XT is for sure a valid alternative both GTX 1660 Super and GTX 1660Ti. Nvidia tough have responded with price cuts for their RTX 2060 (non-super) cards, to battle the newcomer. Regardless should the price end between 2000 and 2500DKK the RX 5600XT will definetely be a card to consider. As soon as the retail price is know to us, we will add this to the final overall score of the card.
Update 23/1-2020. The Gigabyte RX 5600XT Gaming OC 6G can currently be found for 2449DKK during sales offer. At this price point the performance/price is really good and competitive and it clearly beast the GTX 1660TI and enters the RTX 2060 territory. Are you on the lookout after a new graphics card in the 2500DKK price range, then Gigabute RX 5600XT Gaming OC 6G is definetely one to consider.
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 2 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
Samlet | 72% |