
Asus Bundkortet tilbyder ALT hvad en rigtig overclocker kunne tænke sig, LN2 mode, 2 RAM slots kun, Debug LED ect. Udover dette er bundkortet også helt igemmen fantastisk til den alm. enthusiast hverdags brug for gaming og lidt små overclocking. Dette bundkort vil klare alt hvad man smider efter det og er kun begrænset af ens køling. Hvis jeg skulle finde noget negativt ved bundkortet, så er det at der "kun" kan monterers 2x M.2, ville gerne have set deres DIMM udvidelseskort hvor der kan monteres 4 i ALT, som ses på X299, men det er nok mere pga CPUen ikke har alverdens PCI lanes at gøre godt med.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Vi får de nyeste teknologier på den nyeste platform med lige præcis de funktioner som de fleste entusiaster og spillefugle kan få brug for.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Der er godt med tilbehør til, dejligt at se.
Design/Layout - 5
Jeg er vild med designet. Farve kombinationen af sort/grå synes jeg passer perfekt sammen og vil se fedt ud i et hvert build. Det har også RGB muligheder, rigeligt med fans headers og et solidt VRM design.
Software/BIOS - 5
BIOS layout er flot, enkel og nemt, alt er lige til at finde.
Ydelse - 5
Bundkortet ligger sig foran sine konkurrenter og trader blows med Asus Maximus XI GENE. Det håndtere fint en 9700k på hele 5.25Ghz uden problemer.
Pris - 3
Bundkortet er ikke til at finde i Danmark, men tager vi et kig på Amazon så ligger den på en pris af 3400kr hvilken er fair taget i betrækning af hvad man får. Solidt VRAM design, vanvittig overclock potentiale.
Test: Asus Z390 Maximus XI Apex
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 86% |
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hereUK summary
Asus Motherboard offers EVERYTHING a real overclocker would like, LN2 mode, 2 RAM slots only, Debug LED ect. Besides this the motherboard is also quite brilliant to the common enthusiast everyday use for gaming and small overclocking. This motherboard will handle everything you throw after it and is only limited by one's cooling. If I were to find anything negative about the motherboard, then it is that you only can mount 2x M.2. I would have liked to have seen their DIMM expansion card where 4 can be mounted in TOTAL, as seen on the X299, but that's probably more because the CPU doesn't have all the PC lanes.
Innovation/Technology - 5
We get the latest technologies on the latest platform with exactly the features that most enthusiasts and gamers may need.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
There's lots of accessories included. That's nice to see.
Design/Layout - 5
I love the design. The color combination of black and gray I find fit perfectly together and will look great in any build. It also has RGB options, plenti of fans headers and a solid VRM design.
Software/BIOS - 5
BIOS layout is nice, simple and easy, everything is easy to find.
Performance - 5
The motherboard is ahead of its competitors and trader blows with Asus Maximus XI GENE. It handled a 9700k on 5.25Ghz without any problems.
Price - 3
The motherboard is not to be found in Denmark, but if we take a look at Amazon then it is at a price of 3400 DKK which is fair taken the amount of accessories that you get. Solid VRAM design, crazy overclock potential.